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Common Cause publie un tableau de bord du soutien des législateurs aux projets de loi pro-démocratie au 118e Congrès

Aujourd'hui, Common Cause a publié son tableau de bord de la démocratie 2024, qui suit les positions de chaque membre du Congrès sur des questions vitales pour la santé de notre démocratie au cours du 118e Congrès. Tout au long de ce Congrès, les membres de la Chambre et du Sénat ont été informés que divers votes sur des questions clés de la démocratie - notamment le droit de vote, l'éthique judiciaire et la divulgation du financement des campagnes - seraient comptabilisés dans le tableau de bord, qui sera distribué à nos 1,5 million de membres, alliés et médias nationaux et étatiques.  

La loi CLEAN

La loi CLEAN obligera les membres du Congrès à respecter les normes éthiques les plus élevées.

High Scores for Vermont on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

VERMONT — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  

Les dossiers Hofeller

Les preuves obtenues par Common Cause confirment que des agents politiques ont passé des années à comploter pour truquer notre démocratie avec une question sur la citoyenneté dans le recensement. Thomas Hofeller, le principal cerveau du redécoupage électoral du Parti républicain, a présenté un plan visant à ajouter la question sur la citoyenneté au recensement. Le but ? Manipuler notre recensement et notre processus de redécoupage pour que ce soit, selon les termes de Hofeller, « avantageux pour les républicains et les blancs non hispaniques ».

Déclaration de capitaux propres

Cercle des présidents de Common Cause

Testimony of Karen Hobert Flynn on Preventing Abuse of Presidential Clemency Power

Tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn will testify before the House Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties on the “Constitutional Means to Prevent Abuse of the Clemency Power.” Her full written testimony was submitted to the Subcommittee in advance of the hearing. Other witnesses include Georgetown University Law Professor Caroline Fredrickson and historian Timothy Naftali of New York University.

Trump’s Latest Pardons Attempt to Whitewash History and Crimes Related to His Presidency

Americans expect and deserve a President who respects the rule of law, not one who abuses his power to undermine lawful convictions and attempts to whitewash his own corrupt presidency. With tonight’s pardons and commutations, President Trump has once again gravely abused the power of the presidency. Instead of granting pardons as an act of clemency for those who regret their crimes, he is engaged in an effort to hide his own malfeasance by undermining the Russia probe and other political corruption issues. This is a reprehensible abuse of...

Latest Bolton Revelations Hammer Home Need for Impeachment Trial Witnesses

Americans expect and deserve to hear from witnesses in Donald Trump’s impeachment Trial. The latest revelations that former Trump national security advisor John Bolton can provide direct evidence to expose President Trump’s lies about withholding critical military aide to Ukraine hammer home the need for the Senate to call witnesses. These new details add to a growing mountain of evidence that the President withheld the aide for his personal political gain, lied about it, and had his entire administration stonewall in an attempt to cover...

Bolton Willingness to Testify Highlights Need for Witnesses in Any Fair Impeachment Trial

Former Trump Administration national security advisor John Bolton’s willingness to testify highlights the need for witness testimony if the Senate is to hold a fair impeachment trial of Donald Trump. In the face of threats by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to move forward with the trial without Democratic support, Common Cause today urged every member of the Senate to commit to a fair and unbiased trial of President Trump – including calling witnesses and returning campaign funds raised for them by the President who will be the...



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