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De nouvelles allégations de violations du code fiscal par Exxon et ALEC déposées auprès de l'IRS

Aujourd'hui, le Center for Media and Democracy et Common Cause ont fourni de nouvelles preuves à l'Internal Revenue Service (IRS) montrant que l'American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) revendique à tort un statut d'exonération fiscale en tant qu'organisme de bienfaisance et que la société ExxonMobil a intentionnellement utilisé l'organisation à mauvais escient pendant près de deux décennies pour faire avancer son programme législatif.

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress

With Election Day now just two months away, Common Cause released its 2016 Democracy Scorecard that charts the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy.

New Report: Internet Voting Threatens Ballot Secrecy

Casting a secret ballot in the upcoming election might not be so secret or secure depending on where – and how – you vote, according to a new report, The Secret Ballot at Risk: Recommendations for Protecting Democracy. The report was coauthored by three leading organizations focused on voting technology, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), Verified Voting and Common Cause.

New York Lawmakers Advance Drive for a Constitutional Amendment Reversing Citizens United

Common Cause praised New York legislators who crossed party lines to urge Congress to pass a constitutional amendment

Dissecting the Call for a New Constitutional Convention

Common Cause warns editors and reporters about the dangers of a proposed constitutional convention

New Report Spotlights Growing Support for Money in Politics Reforms

A new report by Common Cause and allied groups spotlights successes in fights for money in politics reform.

IRS Should Quickly Issue, Vigorously Enforce New Rules for Political Nonprofits

Common Cause calls on the IRS to force political nonprofits to disclose their donors

With Absentee Voting on the Rise, Advocates Launch New Tool to Help Voters Request Absentee Ballots, Get Votes Counted

A new tool is available to help overseas voters get and cast their absentee ballots

House leaders appoint distinguished panel to lead new ethics office

New Documents Expose Judicial Influence Buying at Federalist Society’s Annual Gala



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