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Bloomberg: New York Counts More Votes as Mail-in Mistake Laws Change

It’s not “particularly sexy,” Sylvia Albert, director of Voting and Elections for Common Cause, said of ballot curing. But when you add it to other legislative changes, “we provide access across the board and give people options,” Albert said.

Newsweek: Texas Democrats Walk Out of State Legislature to Block Elections Bill, Fly to D.C. Instead

"Texas Democrats are showing America what it looks like to fight like hell for our voting rights. They are using every tool available because they know there is nothing more important than preserving our democracy so every Texan can have their voice be heard by their government," Common Cause Texas Executive Director Anthony Gutierrez added in a statement.

Gutierrez noted that while the actions of state lawmakers are commendable, other states may not have the same option to push back on their own respective election bills.

News & Observer: Senators are helping pay Sen. Burr’s legal expenses. Here’s a closer look at the donors

“In my view, it’s the least troubling of the money,” said Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at Common Cause. ‘I am far more concerned seeing people with business before Burr’s committees than I am seeing money from other members of Congress.” ...

“There’s heightened concern of fundraising into a legal expense fund by a member of Congress not running for reelection,” Ryan said. “... The threat for corruption or, at a minimum, the appearance of corruption is greater when it comes to...

NBC News: Texas Republicans revive voting restriction bills to begin special session

“Anyone who wants to go testify, read the bill, they’re going to have 24-36 hours to do it,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group working to defeat the legislation. “It definitely feels like a complete subversion of democracy to try and get their voter suppression bill passed.”

Charlotte Observer (Editorial): This July 4th, we face a new struggle for democracy

In North Carolina, a Democratic governor can successfully veto Republican bills that unnecessarily restrict voting or add partisanship to election supervision. Voting rights groups led by Common Cause have won a landmark court battle to make partisan gerrymandering illegal in North Carolina.

Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina, said of those who would hinder democracy to hold onto their power, “There’s going to be a ferocious battle if they try anything that is going to damage the integrity of...

USA Today : Eric Adams voit son avance se réduire dans l'élection à la mairie de New York après le décompte des votes de son premier choix

Sans choix préférentiel, la ville devrait probablement attendre un second tour qui pourrait coûter des millions, a déclaré Susan Lerner, directrice exécutive de Common Cause/New York.

Les sondages de sortie des urnes effectués par le groupe de Lerner ont également révélé que les électeurs ont tiré parti du nouveau système. Plus de 801 TP3T d'électeurs ont classé au moins deux candidats à la primaire pour la mairie, et plus de 401 TP3T ont classé cinq candidats.

Lerner a également souligné que le retard dans les résultats n'est pas dû au vote préférentiel, mais plutôt aux lois de l'État protégeant les droits des électeurs en cas de vote par correspondance...

Salon: GOP using new laws to drive out local Democratic election officials — and not just in Georgia

"What's driving these efforts is anti-democratic sentiment," Sylvia Albert, executive director of the nonprofit good government group Common Cause, said in an interview with Salon. "These individuals attempted to overturn an election and they were unable to do so. So they are now attempting to change the rules so that next time they can overturn the will of the people."

Depending on the state, "these individuals might now have the power to close polling stations or limit voting machine access," Albert warned. "This is part and...

ABC News: Threats, pressures faced by poll workers pose ‘existential threat to our democracy,’ experts warn

"These election workers are feeling the brunt of former President Trump and various Republican allies lying about the election," said Sylvia Albert, voting and elections director for the government watchdog group Common Cause. "All of a sudden, these election workers are part of some vast conspiracy."

Albert says that what election officials have described represents "a level of threat and intimidation against election officials that you just don't see in a democracy."

"We're seeing election officials receive...

New York Times: Why We May Not Know Who Won the Mayoral Primary for Weeks

“Democracy takes time, and every vote counts,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a good government group. “Accurate and fair election results are worth waiting for.”

Reuters: Colorado leads U.S. states with first look at new congressional districts

"Colorado is modeling how the country could be governing itself in the future," said Kathay Feng, the national redistricting director for good-government watchdog Common Cause. "It is an explicit rejection of the scorched-earth tactic that has been used by some party leaders, a way of demonstrating that we can bring people back to the table and make democracy work," Feng said.



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