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Les experts nationaux et régionaux en matière de réforme démocratique du réseau Common Cause interviennent régulièrement dans les médias. Pour parler à l'un de nos experts, veuillez contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe de presse ci-dessus.


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Le procès pour le silence de Trump débutera 6 ans après le dépôt d'une plainte auprès du ministère de la Justice par Common Cause

Communiqué de presse

Le procès pour le silence de Trump débutera 6 ans après le dépôt d'une plainte auprès du ministère de la Justice par Common Cause

Aujourd'hui, un juge de New York a rejeté la demande de Donald Trump de faire annuler les accusations criminelles portées contre lui pour avoir versé de l'argent à Stormy Daniels pour garder secrète leur liaison à la veille de l'élection présidentielle de 2016. Le procès débutera six ans après que Common Cause a déposé des plaintes liées à ces paiements auprès du ministère de la Justice et de la Commission électorale fédérale. La sélection du jury devrait commencer le 25 mars.

WAER (NPR): NYS redistricting committee could release new congressional map today

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WAER (NPR): NYS redistricting committee could release new congressional map today

Thursday's meeting will be open to the public, but Executive Director of Common Cause New York Susan Lerner says the state’s redistricting process has largely been conducted behind closed doors.

“The commission, which has held no meeting, after being charged with drawing a new congressional map, has announced that it’s going to meet on Thursday afternoon, and they’re going to vote on a map," Lerner said. "Nobody’s seen it, nobody’s made any comments about it, nobody has been able to provide feedback.”

Washington Post: Democrats look to Nebraska to shore up Biden’s blue wall

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Washington Post: Democrats look to Nebraska to shore up Biden’s blue wall

But Gavin Geis, the executive director of Common Cause Nebraska, said the bill is unlikely to be put forward for a full vote before the state’s legislative session ends for the year on April 18.

“If the bill did make it out of committee with a priority it would have to be debated on the floor, but that would definitely lead to an extended filibuster,” Geis said in a statement. “So its odds are slim.”

WUNC: Poll workers, voters adapting to North Carolina’s photo ID requirement

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WUNC: Poll workers, voters adapting to North Carolina’s photo ID requirement

Opponents of the ID law, like Common Cause North Carolina's Ann Webb, point out that while its supporters say it will boost election integrity, there is virtually no evidence of the kind of individual voter fraud it would stop.

"Ultimately, what the question is here is: What are we gaining from photo ID?" Webb rhetorically asked. "What's really critical at this point is that folks aren't disenfranchised by the uncertainty of what this new requirement means."

Colorado Politics/Colorado Springs Gazette: Colorado bill tasking attorney general to study online ‘misinformation’ sparks First Amendment debate

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Colorado Politics/Colorado Springs Gazette: Colorado bill tasking attorney general to study online ‘misinformation’ sparks First Amendment debate

Andrew Barton of Colorado Common Cause, who supports the measure, said his organization has conducted an independent analysis of social media posts and that the study revealed an increasing prevalence of "misinformation" about candidates for office, election processes, and the validity of the country's voting system.

"Our democratic institutions only work when we can all engage with them accurately and honestly," Barton said. "Because of the threat of misinformation and disinformation, it's imperative that data around how such...

Yahoo! News/USA Today : Berceau de la technologie, la Californie semble être leader en matière de réglementation de l'IA

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Yahoo! News/USA Today : Berceau de la technologie, la Californie semble être leader en matière de réglementation de l'IA

Jonathan Mehta Stein est cofondateur de The California Initiative for Technology and Democracy, un projet du groupe de bonne gouvernance California Common Cause, qui conseille les législateurs sur les menaces que les technologies émergentes représentent pour la démocratie. Il souligne l'utilisation croissante de l'IA dans les élections à travers le monde comme preuve qu'il ne s'agit plus d'une théorie, mais d'une pratique active. Au cours du premier mois de 2024, les deepfakes diffusant de fausses informations lors des élections au Bangladesh et en Slovaquie se sont révélés être des perturbations électorales importantes. Ici, aux États-Unis...

South Bend Tribune (Op-Ed): Our civic health is on life support. Indiana’s legislature doesn’t care

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South Bend Tribune (Op-Ed): Our civic health is on life support. Indiana’s legislature doesn’t care

The recent Indiana Civic Health Index should be a wakeup call for Indiana elected officials, like the alarm of medical devices alerting doctors and nurses to a patient in need of urgent care.   If you haven’t read the report, let me call out the alarms clearly. Indiana:  

* ranked 50th in voting in the 2022 elections  
* has consistently ranked in the bottom 10 in voting for the last 13 years 
* moved backward in the rankings for both voting participation and voter registration in the last 11 plus...

Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Yahoo! News: Texas voter fraud activist leads closed-door poll watcher training at Arlington church

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Yahoo! News: Texas voter fraud activist leads closed-door poll watcher training at Arlington church

Such training sessions and the election day actions for which they prepare attendees are less about ensuring integrity in Texas elections than they are about voter intimidation, according to Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nongovernmental organization that works to expand voting rights.

While he was unaware of what Pressley’s session was to cover, he said in a phone interview that such groups “seem to be going out of their way to use poll watchers to intimidate or at least harass voters of...

Indiana Capital Chronicle : Le projet de loi controversé sur la sécurité des élections pourrait être modifié

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Indiana Capital Chronicle : Le projet de loi controversé sur la sécurité des élections pourrait être modifié

Julia Vaughn, qui dirige l'organisme de surveillance gouvernemental Common Cause Indiana, a également demandé au comité de plutôt porter son attention sur le BMV.

« Il semble rétrograde de s'attaquer à ce problème en examinant le statut de l'électeur. Pourquoi ne pas demander au Bureau des véhicules motorisés de cesser d'enregistrer illégalement des personnes ? » a-t-elle demandé.

Yahoo! News/Politico: Adams’ pledge of government efficiency remains out of reach

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Yahoo! News/Politico: Adams’ pledge of government efficiency remains out of reach

“It’s that baseline of service that really affects how people think about their government,” said Susan Lerner of Common Cause New York, a government reform group. “It’s not about speeches and the big issues; it’s about whether you’ve made a noise complaint and nobody gets back to you for a week.”

For Lerner, head of Common Cause, the city’s recent budget cuts — coupled with a struggle to fill vacant positions and a hiring freeze — could hurt the Adams administration’s ability to maintain the nuts and...

Election Crisis Averted in Arizona with Clean Fix to Ballot Recount Issue

Communiqué de presse

Election Crisis Averted in Arizona with Clean Fix to Ballot Recount Issue

PHOENIX — Arizona lawmakers have just reached a resolution on a clean fix to the ballot recount issue after months of tense negotiations. The fix, HB2785, corrects a massive problem caused by prior legislation by allowing adequate time for election officials to tally votes after elections conclude. 



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