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Les experts nationaux et régionaux en matière de réforme démocratique du réseau Common Cause interviennent régulièrement dans les médias. Pour parler à l'un de nos experts, veuillez contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe de presse ci-dessus.


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Common Dreams: FCC Announces New Rule to Confront Deepfake Robocalls

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Common Dreams: FCC Announces New Rule to Confront Deepfake Robocalls

Ishan Mehta, media and democracy program director for Common Cause, said the calls in New Hampshire last month represented "only the tip of the iceberg" and warned that "it is critically important that the FCC now use this authority to fine violators and block the telephone companies that carry the calls."

Mehta called on Congress to pass the Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act, which would prohibit the distribution ofdeceptive AI-generated audio, images, or video relating to federal candidates in political ads.

FCC Outlaws AI Robocalls

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FCC Outlaws AI Robocalls

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unanimously voted to outlaw robocalls that utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) voice-cloning tools. Long a matter of concern, the issue made national headlines when the technology was utilized to mimic President Biden’s voice in robocalls in the runup to the New Hampshire primary. Those calls are currently under investigation by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office. The FCC ban is effective immediately.

La défense de Trump devant la Cour suprême ne nie pas l'insurrection, mais insiste sur l'exemption présidentielle

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La défense de Trump devant la Cour suprême ne nie pas l'insurrection, mais insiste sur l'exemption présidentielle

Dans notre pays, personne n’est au-dessus de la loi. Pas même les anciens présidents. Il est révélateur que l’avocat de Donald Trump à la Cour suprême n’ait fait aucun effort pour affirmer que son client n’avait pas fomenté d’insurrection. Il n’a pas réfuté le fait que Donald Trump a ordonné le 6 janvier à des militants lourdement armés de se rendre au Capitole pour « se battre comme des diables » afin de perturber la certification de l’élection présidentielle de 2020 dans le cadre de sa tentative de nier la volonté du peuple et de voler l’élection.    

PolitiFact/Austin American-Statesman: Elon Musk wrong to say Joe Biden is recruiting immigrants to create a Democratic majority

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PolitiFact/Austin American-Statesman: Elon Musk wrong to say Joe Biden is recruiting immigrants to create a Democratic majority

It’s easy to discount such "conspiracy theory nonsense" from random trolls on X, but it’s powerful when it comes from Musk, who owns the platform, said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group that advocates for voting rights.

Democracies require participation, and falsehoods "only increase the likelihood that people will lose faith in our elections and simply opt out," Gutierrez said.

USA Today: Hawaii looks to combat AI-generated deepfakes and disinformation ahead of 2024 elections

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USA Today: Hawaii looks to combat AI-generated deepfakes and disinformation ahead of 2024 elections

The legislation has also received support from non-profit pro-democracy groups such as Public Citizen and Common Cause Hawaii. Camron Hurt, program manager for Common Cause Hawaii, called the threat of AI deepfakes “a big issue for democracy right now.”

“The cat’s out of the bag, technology has outpaced our laws. But now we must catch up and it’s important that we spearhead and that we help lead that charge and make sure that harmful AI deep fakes and alike are removed from any way of being in our elections," Hurt said.

Lincoln Journal Star (éditorial) : Honorer un compromis

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Lincoln Journal Star (éditorial) : Honorer un compromis

Si la session de 2024 doit être une nouvelle page, comme l’a plaidé le président Arch, le sénateur Halloran doit honorer son accord. Toute tentative d’adoption d’une résolution au titre de l’article V devrait être reportée jusqu’en 2027. Tenir ses promesses et faire des compromis pendant toute la durée de son mandat serait en effet un « modèle » pour les autres législatures d’État.

The Guardian: US supreme court to hear arguments on keeping Trump off 2024 ballot

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The Guardian: US supreme court to hear arguments on keeping Trump off 2024 ballot

“Our democracy is not a chaotic free-for-all in which anyone can be elected. The voters are entitled to decide within the framework of the applicable rules,” the good government group Common Cause wrote in an amicus brief supporting the challengers.

“If Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment (“Section 3”) is not enforced in this case, there is a genuine risk that our system of government will not survive,” they wrote.

Democracy Docket: How Should SCOTUS Apply Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? Amicus Briefs in Trump’s Disqualification Case Have Different Answers

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Democracy Docket: How Should SCOTUS Apply Section 3 of the 14th Amendment? Amicus Briefs in Trump’s Disqualification Case Have Different Answers

Common Cause reminds the Court that the Constitution possesses checks and balances for the very expressed purpose of preserving constitutional order. Their brief highlights many restrictions on who voters can select including restrictions on age and term limits. They aver that elections must follow the rules laid in the Constitution and the Court must not shy away from public pressure to ignore their duty to the Constitution. The Framers of the Constitution recognized that protecting democracy would require “uncommon portion of fortitude”...

Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): NM needs a modern Legislature to cope with modern challenges

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Albuquerque Journal (Op-Ed): NM needs a modern Legislature to cope with modern challenges

For the past four years, Common Cause New Mexico, and several community groups, have been exploring the possibility of upgrading New Mexico’s legislative branch to meet today’s challenges with adequate staff, longer sessions and salaries for our unpaid legislators.

Maryland Matters (éditorial) : les responsables électoraux sont attaqués. Voici comment les protéger et les soutenir.

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Maryland Matters (éditorial) : les responsables électoraux sont attaqués. Voici comment les protéger et les soutenir.

Nous devrions tous pouvoir aller travailler chaque matin sans craindre de ne pas pouvoir rentrer chez nous auprès de nos proches. Mais nos travailleurs électoraux ne bénéficient pas de cette sécurité à l'heure actuelle, et il est de notre responsabilité collective de remédier à cette situation.

Arizona: Democracy Advocates Urge Need for Clean Recount Fix

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Arizona: Democracy Advocates Urge Need for Clean Recount Fix

Today, Common Cause Arizona joined voting rights activists to call for a clean fix to the ballot recount issue in response to negotiations on a proposal that could further disenfranchise Arizonans’ voting rights.



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