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David Vance

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Ariana Marmolejo

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Les experts nationaux et régionaux en matière de réforme démocratique du réseau Common Cause interviennent régulièrement dans les médias. Pour parler à l'un de nos experts, veuillez contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe de presse ci-dessus.


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Baltimore Sun (Editorial): Finding a better way to fill Maryland’s state legislative vacancies

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Baltimore Sun (Editorial): Finding a better way to fill Maryland’s state legislative vacancies

Common Cause Maryland and others see a troubling pattern. You make friends with party insiders and your path to the State House is far easier. You get the appointment and then special interest money steered your way keeps you in the job. Other vacancies from state attorney general to comptroller to U.S. Senate seats get a special election (under a 2016 state constitutional amendment ratified by voters).

New Poll: Majority of Youth Ready to Make an Impact in 2024 Election

Communiqué de presse

New Poll: Majority of Youth Ready to Make an Impact in 2024 Election

“Young people know the power that comes with voting, and they are determined to show up to the polls,” said Alyssa Canty, Common Cause Director of Youth Programs.

Colorado Newsline: Dozens of state AGs, GOP officials tell Colorado Supreme Court to keep Trump on ballot

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Colorado Newsline: Dozens of state AGs, GOP officials tell Colorado Supreme Court to keep Trump on ballot

A former Republican Colorado secretary of state, Mary Estill Buchanan, joined advocacy group Colorado Common Cause in an amicus brief supporting the plaintiffs’ case, telling the court that “this country and its institutions are at a crossroads.”

“(Trump) allowed a lust for power to supersede his own Oath of Office and over two centuries of American political precedent. Mr. Trump has sought at every turn to inject chaos into our country’s electoral system in the upcoming 2024 presidential election,” the brief said....

Rolling Stone : Les sales tours utilisés par le Parti républicain pour empêcher l'avortement d'être soumis au vote en 2024

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Rolling Stone : Les sales tours utilisés par le Parti républicain pour empêcher l'avortement d'être soumis au vote en 2024

Dans les États contrôlés par les démocrates, la situation est radicalement différente. Dans le Maryland, les militants n’ont rencontré pratiquement aucune résistance et affirment n’avoir connaissance d’aucune opposition organisée. « Nous nous attendons à une campagne de désinformation », déclare Joanne Antoine, directrice exécutive de Common Cause Maryland. « Mais en dehors de cela, nous n’entendons rien du tout. »

Boston Globe: R.I. Ethics Commission appointee resigns after Globe investigation into sexual harassment complaints

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Boston Globe: R.I. Ethics Commission appointee resigns after Globe investigation into sexual harassment complaints

After hearing the news of the resignation, Common Cause Rhode Island executive director John M. Marion said, “It is a relief that Mr. Da Cruz will not be serving on the Ethics Commission. We are glad Governor McKee has acknowledged that the vetting process was flawed. We urge him to do due diligence when making future appointments.”

Ethics Commission members should be carefully vetted because the panel has “extraordinary powers” provided for in the state constitution and because those appointments do not require the...

CNN: Florida appeals court upholds congressional map championed by DeSantis

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CNN: Florida appeals court upholds congressional map championed by DeSantis

“This decision blatantly ignores the will of Florida voters who — more than a decade ago — demanded Fair Districts that protect representation for communities of color,” Amy Keith, the executive director of Common Cause Florida, said in a statement, referring to the state’s Fair Districts Amendment.

Keith noted in her statement that the Florida congressional boundaries are also being challenged in federal court in a separate pending case that argues that the map violates the US Constitution. “Our work is not done...

Texas Tribune/VoteBeat: Tax cuts, teacher pension increases at stake after misinformation-led challenge to 2023 election

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Texas Tribune/VoteBeat: Tax cuts, teacher pension increases at stake after misinformation-led challenge to 2023 election

“I think this is a perfect example of the real impact in peoples’ lives when we delay the certification of our vote because of misinformation,” said Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager at Common Cause Texas.

Common Cause/NY sur l'expulsion de Santos : « Bien ! »

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause/NY sur l'expulsion de Santos : « Bien ! »

« La décision d'aujourd'hui d'expulser M. Santos est une victoire pour les électeurs et la démocratie. La tromperie de M. Santos et sa probable violation de la loi fédérale sont évidentes depuis longtemps. Les électeurs ne méritaient pas un représentant qui a menti et fraudé pour entrer au Congrès. Le rapport bipartisan diligent de la commission d'éthique de la Chambre a clairement montré que M. Santos n'est manifestement plus apte à exercer une fonction publique. Nous saluons le vote bipartisan écrasant de la délégation de New York en faveur de l'expulsion de M. Santos, ainsi que de tous les autres représentants qui ont voté pour protéger M. Santos.

Boston Globe: New R.I. Ethics Commission appointee faced sexual harassment allegations from six women

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Boston Globe: New R.I. Ethics Commission appointee faced sexual harassment allegations from six women

But John M. Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, said Da Cruz’s conduct as a member of the South Kingstown Town Council “makes him unfit to serve on such an important body as the Rhode Island Ethics Commission.”

Ethics Commission appointments are arguably the most important that a governor makes, aside from choosing state judges, Marion said. Rhode Island’s constitution gives the Ethics Commission “extraordinary powers,” including removing elected officials from office, and Common Cause fought for...

Indiana Public Media/Indiana Capital Chronicle: With gambling legislation on pause, some push for reform

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Indiana Public Media/Indiana Capital Chronicle: With gambling legislation on pause, some push for reform

The recent scandals show Indiana’s lobbying and campaign finance regulatory processes are a “complete failure,” said Julia Vaughn, leader of government watchdog Common Cause Indiana.

“No state agency even recognized what was going on. … Thank goodness that the (Federal Bureau of Investigation) was paying attention,” Vaughn said — although she said Indiana Election Division and Indiana Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC) staff were “doing the best they can under the very bad structure” in place.

Houston Chronicle (Op-Ed): How billionaires use dark money to take aim at Texas schools

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Houston Chronicle (Op-Ed): How billionaires use dark money to take aim at Texas schools

We are waiting to hear whether Gov. Greg Abbott will announce yet another special session focused on school vouchers. Are school vouchers an urgent priority that necessitates an extra session of the Legislature? Not according to state lawmakers. Just weeks ago, leaders in Austin had the opportunity to pass the governor’s voucher program, and on a bipartisan vote, they declined.

If you follow the money, school vouchers are important to the governor’s main benefactors: billionaires Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks and a...

Les assignations à comparaître devant la Cour suprême restent nécessaires après que la Haute Cour a créé un code d'éthique faible    

Communiqué de presse

Les assignations à comparaître devant la Cour suprême restent nécessaires après que la Haute Cour a créé un code d'éthique faible    

La commission judiciaire du Sénat a voté aujourd'hui la citation à comparaître d'un riche donateur et d'un acteur de premier plan du pouvoir juridique au cœur des récents scandales d'éthique de la Cour suprême des États-Unis. Ce vote intervient après que la Haute Cour a proposé son propre code de conduite, faible et inapplicable, au début du mois, dans un contexte de critiques croissantes.



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