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Trump Must Sign Ethics Pledge & Transition Documents

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Trump Must Sign Ethics Pledge & Transition Documents

President-elect Donald Trump still has not signed legal documents – including an ethics pledge - needed to formally begin his administration’s transition of power. Candidates usually file these documents well in advance of the election. As a result of this delay, the government cannot provide security clearances, briefings and resources to Trump’s incoming team before he is sworn into office on January 20th.

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Jennifer Garcia

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Kenny Colston

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Raw Story/Common Dreams : « Notre démocratie l'exige » : les groupes de défense des droits de l'homme se réjouissent de la relance de la loi sur la liberté de vote par les démocrates

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Raw Story/Common Dreams : « Notre démocratie l'exige » : les groupes de défense des droits de l'homme se réjouissent de la relance de la loi sur la liberté de vote par les démocrates

La coprésidente par intérim de Common Cause, Marilyn Carpinteyro, a envoyé mardi une lettre à tous les membres du Congrès au nom de son groupe et de ses plus de 1,5 million de membres et sympathisants « en soutien ferme au Freedom to Vote Act et en forte opposition au ‘American Confidence in Elections’ (ACE) Act », qui a été introduit par les républicains de la Chambre plus tôt ce mois-ci.

« La loi ACE est un pas de géant en arrière et ferait taire la voix des Américains ordinaires en dressant des obstacles au vote et en autorisant des millions de dollars...

Common Cause appelle à soutenir la loi sur la liberté de vote  

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause appelle à soutenir la loi sur la liberté de vote  

Aujourd'hui, Common Cause exhorte tous les membres du Sénat et de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis à soutenir le Freedom to Vote Act (S. 1/HR11), un projet de loi transformateur en faveur des électeurs et anti-corruption, et à s'opposer à la loi anti-électorale « American Confidence in Elections » (ACE) de la Chambre. Dans une lettre adressée à l'ensemble du Sénat et de la Chambre, Common Cause a souligné que le Freedom to Vote Act renforcera la liberté des Américains de faire entendre leur voix aux urnes, mettra fin au redécoupage partisan des circonscriptions, combattra les efforts dangereux de sabotage des élections et contribuera à...

NBC News: North Carolina elections at risk of chaos with Legislature’s proposed overhaul

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NBC News: North Carolina elections at risk of chaos with Legislature’s proposed overhaul

“How do they get anything done? Are the important decisions going to be deadlocked? The consequences of that, as we are learning, could be devastating,” said Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause North Carolina.

Early voting polling sites and schedules must be approved by the unanimous support of a county election board under current law, Phillips said. If a member of the county board objects, the state board must decide. If it cannot, he said, current law says the only early voting site would be the county board...

Los Angeles Times Editorial: Los Angeles needs a bigger City Council. Here are three ways to get it

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Los Angeles Times Editorial: Los Angeles needs a bigger City Council. Here are three ways to get it

Some groups argue L.A. shouldn’t pick a number, but rather set the ideal level of representation. California Common Cause, a good-government advocacy organization, has urged the city to create 150,000-resident districts — the equivalent of 27 districts based on current population — and allow the number of districts to rise or fall every 10 years with population changes.

A hybrid system has some potential pitfalls, warned Kathay Feng with Common Cause. 

“I do think you can have a mixed system if the...

HuffPost: House GOP Wants To Make It Harder To Vote, Easier To Give Dark Money

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HuffPost: House GOP Wants To Make It Harder To Vote, Easier To Give Dark Money

“There’s a clear contrast here between the two visions for what each party views for going forward with American democracy,” said Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, a nonpartisan nonprofit. “One party wants to make it harder for Americans to vote and wants there to be more big money in politics, and the other party wants to make sure that all eligible Americans can vote and wants to make sure big money does not dominate politics.”

CalMatters: What happened to the big changes to California elections?

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CalMatters: What happened to the big changes to California elections?

Officials from Common Cause California, a good government advocacy group that is co-sponsoring AB 1248 and AB 764, said they’re excited to see the “groundswell of support” for independent redistricting this year.

“There are some technical amendments to do to make sure the bills don’t conflict with each other,” said Laurel Brodzinsky, legislative director for the organization. “But definitely on a policy level, it’s really exciting to see.”

Wisconsin Examiner (éditorial) : L'avenir des élections libres et équitables dans le Wisconsin pourrait dépendre du sort de Meagan Wolfe

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Wisconsin Examiner (éditorial) : L'avenir des élections libres et équitables dans le Wisconsin pourrait dépendre du sort de Meagan Wolfe

Les électeurs du Wisconsin, toutes tendances et tendances politiques confondues, seraient mieux servis si Meagan Wolfe continuait à exercer ses fonctions actuelles. L’intégrité des élections de 2024 et leur respect de la loi, de l’équité et de la démocratie pourraient bien en dépendre.

Cape Gazette: Seaford voting bill, bond bill pass house after some maneuvering

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Cape Gazette: Seaford voting bill, bond bill pass house after some maneuvering

Common Cause of Delaware along with the American Civil Liberties Union both oppose the legislation that they say will dilute votes of minority residents.

“We’re horrified and disappointed that this bill passed. Corporations have no place in our elections – full stop,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of Common Cause Delaware. “In a state with more registered businesses than residents, this bill gives wealthy outsiders the power to override the actual people of Seaford. Hopefully, it will not make it through...

Associated Press: 6 charged in alleged straw donor scheme to help get Eric Adams elected New York City mayor

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Associated Press: 6 charged in alleged straw donor scheme to help get Eric Adams elected New York City mayor

Susan Lerner, the executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause New York, said it was too soon to know if Adams had acted improperly. But she said the indictment was evidence that the city’s public financing system was working as intended.

“The campaign finance system we have in New York City deliberately makes it harder for people who want to buy influence,” Lerner said. “The lesson here is do not try to game the system because you will be caught.”

Stateline: As states hunt for new voters, Massachusetts adds thousands via Medicaid applications

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Stateline: As states hunt for new voters, Massachusetts adds thousands via Medicaid applications

“We know there are folks engaging with these state agencies who otherwise aren’t registered to vote, so this is a great way to ensure they’re getting on the voter rolls,” said Geoff Foster, the executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, which played a key role in getting the state’s Medicaid AVR system passed.

“AVR was a huge win to address … the disconnect keeping a certain part of our population who are otherwise eligible to vote from getting on the voter rolls. And Medicaid recipients are certainly part...

Roll Call: Election rulings temper Supreme Court’s conservative streak

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Roll Call: Election rulings temper Supreme Court’s conservative streak

In a Voting Rights Act case, Allen v. Milligan, a 5-4 majority of the court upheld that Alabama lawmakers may be required to draw a second congressional district where Black voters could elect candidates of their choice before the 2024 election. Kathay Feng, vice president of programs at Common Cause, said the case has massive consequences for minority voters nationwide.

“Even though people have been very worried about the Supreme Court upending precedent in high-profile cases, in Allen v. Milligan, where the court said the...

Inside Sources/Tribune New Service/St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Op-Ed): ‘We the People’ must strengthen our democracy

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Inside Sources/Tribune New Service/St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Op-Ed): ‘We the People’ must strengthen our democracy

The state of the republic is precarious. But I am hopeful that democracy will prevail because it is resilient.

We the people have faced serious threats in the past, including even the Civil War, and we have overcome them. We must continue to pass laws to strengthen our democracy in many states. In other states, we will not back down from defeating a new generation of Jim Crow laws crafted to keep targeted communities from the polls.



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