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Les experts nationaux et régionaux en matière de réforme démocratique du réseau Common Cause interviennent régulièrement dans les médias. Pour parler à l'un de nos experts, veuillez contacter l'un des membres de l'équipe de presse ci-dessus.


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Associated Press : Le conseil électoral de Caroline du Nord finalise les résultats des primaires marquées par de nouvelles règles d'identification des électeurs

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Associated Press : Le conseil électoral de Caroline du Nord finalise les résultats des primaires marquées par de nouvelles règles d'identification des électeurs

Common Cause North Carolina a exhorté mardi la législature à rétablir le délai de grâce, affirmant que cela garantit que les électeurs qui comptent sur le courrier pour voter ne seront pas privés de leurs droits par des retards d'envoi indépendants de leur volonté.

Nebraska Examiner : les exigences d'« équilibre partisan » des commissions d'État ignorées et contournées

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Nebraska Examiner : les exigences d'« équilibre partisan » des commissions d'État ignorées et contournées

Gavin Geis, de Common Cause Nebraska, a déclaré qu'il était décevant et préoccupant que l'exigence d'équilibre partisan ait été ignorée et contournée.

« Cette diversité a été mise en place dans un but précis : nous permettre de bénéficier d’une certaine diversité d’opinions et de points de vue sur les questions de politique », a déclaré Geis. « Cette diversité de pensée conduit à de meilleurs résultats. »

« Tout le monde n’a pas l’opinion d’un républicain inscrit », a-t-il ajouté. « Il ne faut certainement pas l’esquiver. »

Cincinnati Enquirer/Louisville Courier Journal: How conservative Florida groups pushed controversial child labor, SNAP bills in Kentucky

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Cincinnati Enquirer/Louisville Courier Journal: How conservative Florida groups pushed controversial child labor, SNAP bills in Kentucky

“This is not just some kind of organic, grassroots effort. It's a much more … deliberative, pernicious effort by big business,” said Aaron Scherb, the senior director of legislative affairs at Common Cause, a national watchdog group.

Associated Press: In the Kansas House, when lobbyists ask for new laws, their names go on the bills

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Associated Press: In the Kansas House, when lobbyists ask for new laws, their names go on the bills

“I’m thrilled to see it,” said Heather Ferguson, a Kansan who is director of operations for the government transparency group Common Cause. “It helps to rebuild some of the trust with the public in their elected officials and in their institutions and in the legislative process in general.”

In some offices and hallways under the Kansas Statehouse’s copper dome, the response to the new practice has been less enthusiastic than Ferguson’s reaction, though lobbyists won’t publicly criticize it. Eric Stafford, who...

Georgia Public Broadcasting/Georgia Recorder: Georgia lawmakers could still tinker with election rules in waning days of 2024 legislative session

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Georgia Public Broadcasting/Georgia Recorder: Georgia lawmakers could still tinker with election rules in waning days of 2024 legislative session

Anne Gray Herring, a policy analyst for Common Cause Georgia, said requiring eligible voters to go through this burden of proving their residency is not a trivial thing.

“I do appreciate that the bill attempts to clarify what is probable because that was something that is needed through this new mass challenge landscape,” she said.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Money, legal threats, power: A lawmaker-led firm’s ascent

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Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Money, legal threats, power: A lawmaker-led firm’s ascent

Donations such as those from Talitrix and others with ties to the company are a relatively common practice for those who seek to influence public officials, but it’s concerning, said Aunna Dennis, executive director of the Georgia chapter of Common Cause, a government and ethics watchdog group.

The current limit for county politicians is $3,300 for primary and general elections. Donating through related entities and family members helps skirt Georgia’s limits on individual giving, Dennis said.

“It may not be...

Nouveau rapport : Les 15 premières années du Bureau d'éthique du Congrès – Succès, survie et recommandations

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Nouveau rapport : Les 15 premières années du Bureau d'éthique du Congrès – Succès, survie et recommandations

As the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) marks its first 15 years, Common Cause is releasing, “The Little Engine that Could,” a short analysis examining the watchdog’s impact in the House of Representative. The report looks at the history behind the creation of the OCE, its successful nonpartisan record, and the most serious attempts by House Members to undermine or do away with the watchdog entirely. The report also suggests reforms, like codifying the OCE into law and giving it subpoena power, to further strengthen the independent...

Orlando Sentinel: Florida ethics overhaul will leave corruption unchecked, watchdog groups warn

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Orlando Sentinel: Florida ethics overhaul will leave corruption unchecked, watchdog groups warn

Common Cause Florida and eight other advocacy groups are urging DeSantis to veto the bill, which they say would erect an “unreasonable barrier” and deter people from filing ethics complaints against politicians and public officials. For instance, complaints could not be filed based solely on investigative news articles.

“This isn’t about minimizing frivolous complaints; this is about making complaints almost impossible,” Amy Keith, executive director of Common Cause Florida, said in a prepared statement. “The people...

Common Cause Hire renforce le programme Vote et démocratie pour les élections de 2024

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Common Cause Hire renforce le programme Vote et démocratie pour les élections de 2024

Alors que les primaires de 2024 sont en cours et que les élections générales approchent à grands pas, Common Cause a le plaisir d'annoncer la nomination de Jay Young au poste de directeur principal du vote et de la démocratie. Dans le cadre de ce poste nouvellement créé, il supervisera les stratégies législatives, opérationnelles et juridiques de l'organisation pour faire avancer les réformes qui permettent à tous les Américains de participer aux élections et de s'opposer aux efforts visant à restreindre le droit de vote.

NBC News: Wisconsin is lagging behind other swing states in shoring up election policies following 2020 chaos

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NBC News: Wisconsin is lagging behind other swing states in shoring up election policies following 2020 chaos

Jay Heck, the executive director Common Cause Wisconsin, the state’s branch of the national nonpartisan government watchdog group, added that the consequences could be dire if the right mix of circumstances were to emerge on or following Election Day.

“It could all explode,” he said.

The April 2 primary ballot in Wisconsin will ask voters to decide on two proposed constitutional amendments that critics contend are byproducts of conspiracy theories touted by election deniers.

“[Passage of...

Minnesota Reformer (Op-Ed): Minnesota needs an independent citizen redistricting commission

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Minnesota Reformer (Op-Ed): Minnesota needs an independent citizen redistricting commission

Until we pass a constitutional amendment creating an independent redistricting commission, the power will always reside with partisan interests of those drawing our district voting maps. It’s time for us to get the power back. Reforms should come from us, impacted Minnesotans, not legislative or party establishment.   



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