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A Broad Coalition Against Comcast

You have to hand it to Comcast, they really know how to organize the opposition.

You have to hand it to Comcast, they really know how to organize the opposition.

Who else could possibly bring together Common Cause, unions, civil rights groups, netroots, creators and telecom industry trade groups?

Only Comcast’s unique combination of sky-high prices, inept customer service, and unseemly political influence peddling could unite us. 

This morning Common Cause and 30 allies sent a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler demanding the Commission stop Comcast – America’s largest cable monopolist – from purchasing its next largest rival, Time Warner Cable. 

“No condition … can address the myriad ways a combined Comcast/Time Warner Cable would be able to thwart competition and convert its massive network into a closed system of preferential treatment for its own content or the content of a select few.”

Hard hitting, but you can read the lettre for the full list of particulars. 

We’re close to beating this merger. With your help we can score a victory for localism, diversity, and choice — and beat back the forces of Big Money. Take action today.




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