Elena Nuñez

Vice-président, Opérations de l'État


Meet Elena…

Elena Nuñez leads our operations for our 30 state offices to advance our agenda in the states, advocating for the democracy reforms needed to address the needs of their communities. She oversees our state work including policy and program development, strategic planning and execution, and fundraising.

The Latest From Elena Nunez

Palm Beach Post/Inside Sources (Op-Ed): Ballot initiatives strengthen our democracy

Extrait d'actualité

Palm Beach Post/Inside Sources (Op-Ed): Ballot initiatives strengthen our democracy

Democracy is not a state or frame of mind, it is an act guaranteed only by us — the voters.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic and the deliberate barriers set to silence the voices of Black people, new Americans and people just struggling to make ends meet, voters turned out in record numbers.

We showed up to pick new leaders and pass political reform ballot measures that will shift power to the people and away from politicians. In this act, we — the voters — showed what a democracy that is based on fairness,...

Améliorer le processus de vote pour les habitants du Colorado

Article de blog

Améliorer le processus de vote pour les habitants du Colorado

Le projet de loi HB1303 donnera aux citoyens du Colorado une plus grande opportunité de participer à nos élections en simplifiant le processus tout en maintenant toutes les options d'inscription et de vote.



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