David Vance

Stratège national des médias


Rencontrez David…

David Vance est le stratège national des médias de Common Cause. Il travaille avec le personnel au niveau national et au niveau des États pour générer des médias qui amplifieront la voix et feront avancer stratégiquement le programme de réforme démocratique de l'organisation nationale et de ses 35 bureaux d'État.

Avant de rejoindre Common Cause en 2016, David a passé une décennie en tant que directeur des communications et de la recherche au Campaign Legal Center, travaillant sur les questions de financement des campagnes, de droits de vote et d'éthique gouvernementale. Au cours de son mandat, la notoriété médiatique de l'organisation a connu une croissance exponentielle et en 2014, elle a reçu un prix MacArthur pour les institutions créatives et efficaces.

David possède une vaste expérience en relations publiques et en journalisme. Il a été directeur des affaires publiques d'une association commerciale internationale et a travaillé pour deux agences de relations publiques à Washington, DC, où il s'est occupé des affaires publiques, des relations publiques et des questions de crise à l'échelle nationale et internationale pour un large éventail de clients d'entreprises, d'associations et d'organismes à but non lucratif.

Avant d'entrer dans le domaine des relations publiques, David a travaillé pour plusieurs bureaux de presse à Washington, DC, WCAX-TV à Burlington, Vermont ainsi que pour le Washington Post.

David est originaire de Washington, DC et est titulaire d'un MSJ de la Medill School of Journalism de l'Université Northwestern et d'un MFA en écriture créative de l'Université George Mason.

Les dernières nouvelles de David Vance

Common Cause California Applauds Court Ruling Upholding California Net Neutrality Law

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause California Applauds Court Ruling Upholding California Net Neutrality Law

Today, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an opinion upholding California’s net neutrality law. The opinion specifically affirmed state authority to protect internet users. Common Cause California played an active role in supporting the state’s net neutrality law and ensuring its passage.

The Fight for Voting Rights Does Not End Tonight

Communiqué de presse

The Fight for Voting Rights Does Not End Tonight

The fight for voting rights does not end tonight. It is up to the Senate to fix this, and nobody is giving up. The 48 Senators who voted tonight to protect the right of every American to vote are not giving up. The advocates, the voters, and Common Cause and our allies are not giving up. Our nation is stronger when every one of us has a voice in choosing our elected officials. The fight for voting rights will continue – in the Senate and in statehouses across the country.

Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote on House Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act 

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Urges “Yes” Vote on House Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act 

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5746, the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act, “to ensure that voters can safely and freely cast their ballots, repair and strengthen the Voting Rights Act, protect against election sabotage, stop partisan and racial gerrymandering, and limit the influence of dark money in politics so that billionaires can’t buy elections.” The letter emphasizes that already this year, 19 states have enacted...

President Biden Urges U.S. Senate to “Keep the Promise of America Alive”

Communiqué de presse

President Biden Urges U.S. Senate to “Keep the Promise of America Alive”

In the United States, we are stronger when every American votes, when every American has a say in the future of this country. President Biden made very clear today that he knows we are at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history and that a Republican minority in the U.S. Senate must not be allowed to turn back the clock and allow a new generation of Jim Crow laws to take root. He clearly stated that the Senate rules must not tolerated when they strip Americans – particularly Black and Brown Americans - of their fundamental right to vote....

“The Paid Jailer” Report Examines How Political Contributions to Sheriffs Create Conflicts of Interest and Fuel Mass Incarceration

Communiqué de presse

“The Paid Jailer” Report Examines How Political Contributions to Sheriffs Create Conflicts of Interest and Fuel Mass Incarceration

In the United States, more than 3,000 sheriffs possess extensive or even total authority over arrests, incarceration, and civil enforcement in their jurisdictions. A new report released today by Common Cause and Communities for Sheriff Accountability examines how campaign contributions to sheriffs across the country and their business relationships with donors can encourage and incentivize mass incarceration in the U.S. “The Paid Jailer: How Sheriff Campaign Dollars Shape Mass Incarceration,” is a first of its kind report that examines the...

La protection du droit de vote doit rester une priorité, car sans elle, la réforme du collège électoral n'est qu'un rempart creux, déclare Common Cause aux sénateurs

Communiqué de presse

La protection du droit de vote doit rester une priorité, car sans elle, la réforme du collège électoral n'est qu'un rempart creux, déclare Common Cause aux sénateurs

Aujourd'hui, Common Cause souligne auprès de chaque sénateur américain que la protection du droit de vote doit rester sa priorité et que toute réforme de la manière dont les votes électoraux pour le président et le vice-président sont comptabilisés ne peut remplacer la loi sur la liberté de vote et la loi John R. Lewis sur l'avancement du droit de vote. La lettre aux sénateurs souligne que certaines législatures à travers le pays présentent déjà de nouveaux projets de loi pour rendre plus difficile pour les Américains d'avoir leur mot à dire dans le choix de leurs dirigeants élus. Ces nouveaux projets de loi s'ajoutent à ceux de l'année dernière...

January 6th Insurrection One Year Later

Communiqué de presse

January 6th Insurrection One Year Later

January 6th interrupted two centuries of the peaceful transfer of power. It was staged by a domestic enemy fueled by the lies fed by the former President, some Republican politicians, and their allies who tried to subvert a bedrock democratic principle: that voters decide elections.

Common Cause Urges House Members to Support Mark Meadows Criminal Contempt Charges for Ignoring Congressional Insurrection Subpoena

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Urges House Members to Support Mark Meadows Criminal Contempt Charges for Ignoring Congressional Insurrection Subpoena

Today, Common Cause urged every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on the resolution to certify a criminal contempt citation against former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows for refusing to comply with subpoenas related to his role in, and knowledge of, the January 6th insurrection at the United States Capitol - a brazen attempt to overturn the 2020 election which resulted in multiple deaths and left hundreds seriously injured. The letter emphasizes that the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection...



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