Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera

Directeur exécutif


Meet Annastacia

Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera is the Executive Director for Common Cause Minnesota. Common Cause Minnesota serves as an independent voice for change and a watchdog against corruption and abuse of power. Common Cause Minnesota is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core values of American democracy. We work to create open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.

Annastacia provides Common Cause MN leadership in identifying and developing equity-based strategic grassroots alliances to achieve collective democracy-based outcomes for Minnesotans.

Annastacia previously worked as Legislative Director for a Minnesota state agency; the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs (MCLA). MCLA advises and informs the Governor’s Office, Legislative branch and community stakeholders on matters of importance to Latino Minnesotans. She was responsible for developing legislative strategy and mapping out action items for MCLA to infuse the Latino lens and voice into the policy making arena at all levels of government in Minnesota. Prior to joining the Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs (MCLA), Annastacia held various leadership roles within local, state and federal government working closely with diverse Minnesota communities, partners and stakeholders.

Her equity-focus areas in government include; participatory democracy and race relations.

Annastacia is focused on advancing intergenerational socio-economic equity for all Minnesotans caged by a democracy ailed with a lack of transparency, and swelling of dark money, meant to make government work for the very few while advancing restrictive voting laws to marginalize the poor, the geographically isolated and most vulnerable Minnesotan.

The Latest From Annastacia Belladonna-Carrera

Minnesota Reformer (Op-Ed): Minnesota needs an independent citizen redistricting commission

Extrait d'actualité

Minnesota Reformer (Op-Ed): Minnesota needs an independent citizen redistricting commission

Until we pass a constitutional amendment creating an independent redistricting commission, the power will always reside with partisan interests of those drawing our district voting maps. It’s time for us to get the power back. Reforms should come from us, impacted Minnesotans, not legislative or party establishment.   

George Floyd devrait être en vie aujourd'hui

Article de blog

George Floyd devrait être en vie aujourd'hui

La police a trop souvent recours à deux poids, deux mesures, et des personnes de couleur continuent de mourir aux mains des forces de l’ordre dans des proportions absolument inacceptables. Cette situation tragique doit cesser immédiatement.



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