David Vance

Stratège national des médias


Rencontrez David…

David Vance est le stratège national des médias de Common Cause. Il travaille avec le personnel au niveau national et au niveau des États pour générer des médias qui amplifieront la voix et feront avancer stratégiquement le programme de réforme démocratique de l'organisation nationale et de ses 35 bureaux d'État.

Avant de rejoindre Common Cause en 2016, David a passé une décennie en tant que directeur des communications et de la recherche au Campaign Legal Center, travaillant sur les questions de financement des campagnes, de droits de vote et d'éthique gouvernementale. Au cours de son mandat, la notoriété médiatique de l'organisation a connu une croissance exponentielle et en 2014, elle a reçu un prix MacArthur pour les institutions créatives et efficaces.

David possède une vaste expérience en relations publiques et en journalisme. Il a été directeur des affaires publiques d'une association commerciale internationale et a travaillé pour deux agences de relations publiques à Washington, DC, où il s'est occupé des affaires publiques, des relations publiques et des questions de crise à l'échelle nationale et internationale pour un large éventail de clients d'entreprises, d'associations et d'organismes à but non lucratif.

Avant d'entrer dans le domaine des relations publiques, David a travaillé pour plusieurs bureaux de presse à Washington, DC, WCAX-TV à Burlington, Vermont ainsi que pour le Washington Post.

David est originaire de Washington, DC et est titulaire d'un MSJ de la Medill School of Journalism de l'Université Northwestern et d'un MFA en écriture créative de l'Université George Mason.

Les dernières nouvelles de David Vance

Common Cause and Over 20 Organizations Demand Facebook Close Loophole That Allows Trump to Remain On Platform Despite Ban

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Common Cause and Over 20 Organizations Demand Facebook Close Loophole That Allows Trump to Remain On Platform Despite Ban

Today, Common Cause and over 20 non-partisan organizations working to combat voter suppression, stop online hate, and ensure all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process, sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg demanding that Facebook close a loophole that has allowed former president Donald Trump to remain a regular presence on the platform despite being “banned” from it. The letter urges Zuckerberg to clearly define what content it considers to be in the voice of public figures and align its content moderation...

Watchdogs Filing Complaints in 15 States Against ALEC for Illegal Campaign Scheme

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Watchdogs Filing Complaints in 15 States Against ALEC for Illegal Campaign Scheme

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), Common Cause, and Alliance for a Better Utah are filing campaign finance complaints in 15 states this week against the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its legislative leaders for illegally giving and receiving sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the Republican National Committee (RNC) to help their campaigns.

New Report: How Lobbying and Political Influence By Broadband Gatekeepers Has Shaped The Digital Divide

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New Report: How Lobbying and Political Influence By Broadband Gatekeepers Has Shaped The Digital Divide

Un nouveau rapport de Common Cause en partenariat avec les Communications Workers of America, « Broadband Gatekeepers: How ISP Lobbying and Political Influence Shapes the Digital Divide », examine le lobbying et les dépenses politiques des plus grands FAI et de leurs associations professionnelles et la manière dont ces activités ont façonné la fracture numérique.

Senate Must Heed President Biden’s Clarion Call for Urgent Action to Protect Our Freedom to Vote and Bolster Our Democracy

Communiqué de presse

Senate Must Heed President Biden’s Clarion Call for Urgent Action to Protect Our Freedom to Vote and Bolster Our Democracy

President Biden's important speech today in Philadelphia about protecting the freedom to vote must be met with the Senate passing legislation before they depart for their August recess. We thank him for his bold remarks.

As the President said, there is an unfolding assault on democracy and on liberty today with clear attempts to suppress and subvert the freedom to vote in free and fair elections. Administrative action, litigation, and organizing are critical to combat this, but these tactics are not a substitute for...

Common Cause Urges FEC to Expand Ability of Candidates to Use Campaign Funds for Healthcare and a Living Wage

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Common Cause Urges FEC to Expand Ability of Candidates to Use Campaign Funds for Healthcare and a Living Wage

Today, Common Cause filed comments with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in support of a petition for rulemaking filed by former congressional candidate Nabilah Islam to allow candidates to utilize their campaign accounts to pay for health insurance and include a living-wage floor as part of the salary formula to make the funds available from the beginning of a candidate’s campaign.

SCOTUS Rulings on Voting Rights & Nonprofit Disclosure Make Clear Congress Must Pass For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

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SCOTUS Rulings on Voting Rights & Nonprofit Disclosure Make Clear Congress Must Pass For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Today’s Supreme Court rulings on voting rights and nonprofit financial disclosure make clear that there is no alternative but to pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect our democracy. The high court struck another blow against voting rights today and also made it more difficult for states to monitor fundraising by “dark money” nonprofits. Now it falls to Congress to protect the freedom of every American to vote without being subject to intimidation or discrimination regardless of the color...

House Votes to Establish Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Insurrection

Communiqué de presse

House Votes to Establish Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Insurrection

Americans deserve to know the full truth about the attack on our democracy January 6th at the U.S. Capitol when a violent, racist mob attempted to overturn the result of the 2020 election. The select committee established today by the U.S. House of Representatives will get to the bottom of what happened and the causes behind the attack that left fatalities and scores of seriously injured in its wake. The truth is vitally important to establish at a time when many – even some Members of Congress - are trying to whitewash the vicious attack by...

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Support Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Insurrection  

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Urges U.S. House Members to Support Select Committee to Investigate January 6th Insurrection  

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to vote “yes” on a resolution to create a select committee to investigate the attack January 6th on the United States Capitol by a violent mob attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The letter notes that Common Cause plans to key-vote final passage of H.Res. 503 to create the select committee to investigate the deadly insurrection in our next Democracy Scorecard, which we send to our 1.5 million members. 

DOJ Challenges Georgia Attacks on the Freedom to Vote

Communiqué de presse

DOJ Challenges Georgia Attacks on the Freedom to Vote

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Georgia challenging voting restrictions enacted since the 2020 election that federal authorities allege discriminate against Black Americans.

The suit challenges Georgia’s so-called “Election Integrity Act,” which was passed in March by the Republican majority in the state legislature and signed into law by Gov. Brian Kemp. The law imposes new limits on the use of absentee ballots, gives the legislature greater control over elections in the...



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