David Vance

Stratège national des médias


Rencontrez David…

David Vance est le stratège national des médias de Common Cause. Il travaille avec le personnel au niveau national et au niveau des États pour générer des médias qui amplifieront la voix et feront avancer stratégiquement le programme de réforme démocratique de l'organisation nationale et de ses 35 bureaux d'État.

Avant de rejoindre Common Cause en 2016, David a passé une décennie en tant que directeur des communications et de la recherche au Campaign Legal Center, travaillant sur les questions de financement des campagnes, de droits de vote et d'éthique gouvernementale. Au cours de son mandat, la notoriété médiatique de l'organisation a connu une croissance exponentielle et en 2014, elle a reçu un prix MacArthur pour les institutions créatives et efficaces.

David possède une vaste expérience en relations publiques et en journalisme. Il a été directeur des affaires publiques d'une association commerciale internationale et a travaillé pour deux agences de relations publiques à Washington, DC, où il s'est occupé des affaires publiques, des relations publiques et des questions de crise à l'échelle nationale et internationale pour un large éventail de clients d'entreprises, d'associations et d'organismes à but non lucratif.

Avant d'entrer dans le domaine des relations publiques, David a travaillé pour plusieurs bureaux de presse à Washington, DC, WCAX-TV à Burlington, Vermont ainsi que pour le Washington Post.

David est originaire de Washington, DC et est titulaire d'un MSJ de la Medill School of Journalism de l'Université Northwestern et d'un MFA en écriture créative de l'Université George Mason.

Les dernières nouvelles de David Vance

Common Cause, CLC, CREW and League of Women Voters of California Urge the Supreme Court to Reject Challenge to California’s Charitable Reporting Law

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause, CLC, CREW and League of Women Voters of California Urge the Supreme Court to Reject Challenge to California’s Charitable Reporting Law

Common Cause, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and League of Women Voters of California (LWV) submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Becerra.  

The brief urges the Court to uphold California’s law that requires charitable groups active in the state to file nonpublic tax reports – Schedule Bs – with the state Attorney General (AG) listing their largest donors.

Supreme Court Defers to FCC Authority in Media Ownership Case But Leaves Door Open For Future FCC To Protect The Public Interest 

Communiqué de presse

Supreme Court Defers to FCC Authority in Media Ownership Case But Leaves Door Open For Future FCC To Protect The Public Interest 

Today, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in Federal Communications Commission v. Prometheus Radio Project upholding the FCC’s 2017 Order to roll back several of its media ownership rules. The rules prohibit a single entity from owning too many newspaper, radio, and television stations within a local market. In upholding the FCC’s deregulation of media ownership rules, the Supreme Court found that the agency acted reasonably for the purposes of the Administrative Procedure Act, which guides agency decision making.

Manchin Reaffirms His Commitment to Protecting Voting Rights & Strengthening Democracy

Communiqué de presse

Manchin Reaffirms His Commitment to Protecting Voting Rights & Strengthening Democracy

We appreciate that Senator Joe Manchin reaffirmed his commitment to protecting voting rights & strengthening our democracy with big bold reforms today. On behalf of our 1.5 million members and activists, including thousands in West Virginia, we look forward to working with Senator Manchin and the rest of the U.S. Senate to pass the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and other bills that will ensure everyday Americans have a voice in our country and our elected officials are working for us, not wealthy special...

Les meurtres en Géorgie témoignent de l'augmentation des crimes haineux et du terrorisme intérieur 

Communiqué de presse

Les meurtres en Géorgie témoignent de l'augmentation des crimes haineux et du terrorisme intérieur 

Nos pensées vont aujourd'hui à la communauté asiatique-américaine et des îles du Pacifique, en particulier ici en Géorgie. Nous savons que ce type de crime vise souvent à intimider une communauté entière. Les femmes asiatiques en Géorgie ont une voix très puissante et visible – et nous ne pouvons pas permettre qu'elle soit réduite au silence. Nous soutenons nos voisins asiatiques-américains qui sont en deuil.

Senate Focuses on Safeguarding Democracy with For the People Act

Communiqué de presse

Senate Focuses on Safeguarding Democracy with For the People Act

All Americans deserve to have their voices heard and votes counted, regardless of the size of their wallets or the color of their skin. However, for far too long, special interests, the ultra-wealthy, and corporate lobbyists have had a megaphone, and vote suppressors' continued efforts to silence largely Black and Brown communities have left many Americans feeling voiceless. The For the People Act would knock down barriers that prevent equal participation in our democracy. We commend Majority Leader Schumer, Senator Merkley, Senator Klobuchar,...

Common Cause dépose une plainte demandant au ministère de la Justice d'enquêter sur l'ingérence de Trump dans le décompte des voix en Géorgie 

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause dépose une plainte demandant au ministère de la Justice d'enquêter sur l'ingérence de Trump dans le décompte des voix en Géorgie 

Un mois après que Common Cause Georgia a demandé au secrétaire d'État Brad Raffensperger de renvoyer au ministère fédéral de la Justice son enquête sur l'appel téléphonique du président Donald Trump avec Raffensperger le 2 janvier, Common Cause a déposé sa propre plainte auprès du ministère de la Justice.

The complaint, filed today, urges the DOJ to investigate whether Trump, Senator Lindsey Graham, Rudolph W. Giuliani and others violated multiple federal laws by attempting to overturn presidential election results in Georgia via the hour-long Jan. 2 phone call to Raffensperger...

House Passes For The People Act, Senate Must Not Let Filibuster Stand in the Way of Safeguarding Our Democracy

Communiqué de presse

House Passes For The People Act, Senate Must Not Let Filibuster Stand in the Way of Safeguarding Our Democracy

Tonight in passing the For the People Act (H.R. 1), Members of the U.S. House of Representatives made it clear that democracy must put people first and should represent everyone. The Senate must follow suit in listening to the people, and Senators must not let the filibuster stand in the way of safeguarding our democracy.

House Passage of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Represents a First Step

Communiqué de presse

House Passage of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Represents a First Step

Tonight’s House passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act represents an important step toward reforming our broken criminal justice system. But much, much more remains to be done in the days, and months and years ahead to ensure that every American receives equal justice under the law. We hope that this bill will be strengthened in the Senate because we cannot continue to accept this epidemic of injustice. We must reform the system of injustice that treats Americans differently because of the color of their skin or where they live.

FCC Adopts Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Rules, Providing Internet Service Relief to Low-Income Households

Communiqué de presse

FCC Adopts Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Rules, Providing Internet Service Relief to Low-Income Households

Last Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to establish the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. This $3.2 billion program provides a $50 monthly subsidy for eligible low-income households and a $75 monthly subsidy for households on tribal lands to purchase a broadband connection. It also provides a one-time discount of up to $100 on a computer or tablet for eligible households. 



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