Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Blasts Court Decision Undermining Net Neutrality

Washington, DC– Common Cause strongly opposes today’s federal appeals court decision undermining the Federal Communications Commission’s authority to regulate internet service providers. “In an age of constant connectivity, the Internet is now the town square – a place of lively debate and access to information. This decision grants cable companies and Internet service providers the power to filter and control the conversation so vital to our democracy,” said Bob Edgar, president of Common Cause.

In today’s decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the Commission lacked the authority to enforce net neutrality rules on internet service providers. Net neutrality requires Internet service providers to keep their networks open without discriminating for content. “This is a victory for cable companies and a step backwards for freedom of speech,” said Edgar.

Common Cause continues to advocate for net neutrality, and calls on Congress to pass the Internet Freedom Preservation Act. That bill would give the Commission the authority to promulgate and enforce rules that protect equal access to information. “Internet service providers should not be able to impose their own restrictions and regulations on how citizens access information. Cable companies are not protecting this open forum. The FCC, with the support of Congress, needs to assert its authority in protecting an open and neutral internet,” concluded Edgar.



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