Communiqué de presse

Common Cause commends McDonald’s for disassociating with ALEC

Urges other corporations to follow suit

Amid a flurry of news reports about corporate giants severing ties with the organization known as ALEC, or the American Legislative Exchange Council, news is breaking that McDonald’s has already disassociated itself. McDonald’s today reportedly acknowledged that it chose not to renew its membership with ALEC. Common Cause President, Bob Edgar, praised the fast food giant, and called on other members of ALEC to come forward and cut ties to the organization.

“Good corporate citizens like McDonald’s should be commended for putting the needs of their consumers ahead of a secretive, corporate-backed organization that works in every state house in the nation to advance legislation that puts corporate profit ahead of the public interest,” Edgar said.

Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo and Intuit confirmed last week that they’ve already withdrawn from ALEC. On Monday, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they will no longer be making grants to ALEC. Today, a coalition of civil rights and good government groups called on State Farm, Johnson & Johnson, and McDonald’s to follow suit. The groups making today’s announcement said they’re planning actions targeting additional ALEC-member companies.



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