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1786 Results

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Oregon, Leading the Way Toward 21st Century Democracy!

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Oregon, Leading the Way Toward 21st Century Democracy!

Oregon’s motto – “she flies with her own wings” – could not be truer today. Thanks to today’s final passage in the state legislature of the “New Motor Voter” law (HB 2177), hundreds of thousands of Oregonians will be added to the rolls under a trailblazing reform that shifts the burden of voter registration from the individual to the state.

A Giant Charade

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A Giant Charade

The 2016 presidential campaign has begun with a giant charade, as candidates in both major parties pretend not to be candidates and solicit donations they won’t be able to accept once they formalize their candidacies, Common Cause said today.

Six Reasons Pfizer Should Stop Funding ALEC

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Six Reasons Pfizer Should Stop Funding ALEC

As more major companies leave the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group, it’s a wonder why Pfizer remains a member.

Our Secret Weapons Against Gerrymandering: Adorable Pterodactyls

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Our Secret Weapons Against Gerrymandering: Adorable Pterodactyls

Maryland’s 3rd Congressional District, one of the most gerrymandered in the country, was once described by a federal judge as resembling “a broken-winged pterodactyl lying prostrate across the center of the state.” As a result, it only seemed appropriate to allow two small and cute pterodactyls to stand up for reform.

Direct Democracy Directly At Risk

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Direct Democracy Directly At Risk

The Supreme Court is set to determine whether citizens may participate in decision making related to election integrity. If the answer is No, the public will lose a crucial tool in place since the country’s founding. Specifically, the Court is considering whether citizens may be considered part of their state legislatures when initiating referenda on the “times, places and manner of holding elections,” as prescribed by the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

The Importance of the New Motor Voter Bill

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The Importance of the New Motor Voter Bill

Voting is the foundation of our democracy. When there exists impediments to voting, it is of the utmost importance they be removed.

Big Win on Net Neutrality

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Big Win on Net Neutrality

By now you've heard. The FCC just approved the strongest Open Internet ("net neutrality") rules - ever.

If it Ain’t Broke…

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If it Ain’t Broke…

A huge win came from the Cornhusker State yesterday. Nebraska's unicameral legislature, in a bipartisan move, defeated a photo ID bill that's hit the floor four years in a row. Thanks to the longstanding efforts of a strong coalition - including Common Cause Nebraska - the state has quashed legislation that could have denied 112,000 Nebraskans who don't have access to the prescriptive ID from exercising their right to vote.

What higher contribution limits mean for 2016

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What higher contribution limits mean for 2016

The CRomnibus appropriations bill that became law in December attracted attention for rolling back an element of the Dodd-Frank financial reform, but perhaps just as important were the changes to campaign finance law.



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