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1786 Results

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Primary Candidates Flout Financial Disclosure Requirement

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Primary Candidates Flout Financial Disclosure Requirement

In Tuesday's primaries in eight states, more than 100 candidates - Democrat and Republican alike - failed to file personal financial disclosures required by law.

A new website focused on you

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A new website focused on you

With feedback from you, our users, we have rebuilt our website entirely from scratch, organizing it from the ground work to help you find what you’re looking for. Please explore the website and tell us what you think.

Brand Renewal: Common Cause, Amplifying All People’s Voices

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Brand Renewal: Common Cause, Amplifying All People’s Voices

Along with our bold and energetic new website, we’ve been updating our overall brand to better connect with democracy activists around the country like you. We welcome a new generation of leaders who, like our new brand, are bold, bright, and lifting all voices in our democracy.

A Bit of Wisdom, Laced with Humor, on Graduation Day

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A Bit of Wisdom, Laced with Humor, on Graduation Day

The valedictorian at a Kentucky High School borrowed part of his speech from a presidential commencement address -- with a special twist for the audience.

Fake News Goes Viral

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Fake News Goes Viral

Americans must thoughtfully, vigilantly evaluate the news, particularly on social media.

President Trump and the ‘Post-Truth’ Era

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President Trump and the ‘Post-Truth’ Era

A former CIA chief argues that the the president is a product, not a cause, of a profound shift in the way millions of our fellow citizens and people around the world perceive the world.

RIP Ned Cabot ; il succède à Archibald Cox à la présidence du conseil d'administration

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RIP Ned Cabot ; il succède à Archibald Cox à la présidence du conseil d'administration

« Ned Cabot a consacré sa carrière à veiller à ce que les institutions fondamentales de notre société – le droit, le gouvernement, les entreprises et la politique – servent les intérêts et les besoins de tous les citoyens. »

‘Spygate:’ Trump’s Own Witch Hunt

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‘Spygate:’ Trump’s Own Witch Hunt

By excluding Democrats from a classified briefing on the FBI's use of a confidential informant in the Russia investigation, the president demonstrates he's more interested in confusing the public than pursuing the truth.



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