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1786 Results

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Des amis se souviennent de Benjamin Barber, infatigable défenseur de la démocratie

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Des amis se souviennent de Benjamin Barber, infatigable défenseur de la démocratie

Une triste nouvelle nous est parvenue ce matin de New York : Benjamin Barber, brillant théoricien politique et ancien membre de longue date du conseil d'administration national de Common Cause, a perdu sa bataille contre le cancer du pancréas.

Trendsetting States Setting a Bad Example

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Trendsetting States Setting a Bad Example

Iowa and New Hampshire set the trends for presidential elections.Let’s hope that their influence does not extend to election laws.

Senate Committee’s Russia-Trump Probe Stalls Out

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Senate Committee’s Russia-Trump Probe Stalls Out

Just a few weeks ago, the Senate Intelligence Committee looked like the best hope for those of us holding out hope that Congress might conduct a serious investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. No more.

A New Weapon Against Fake News

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A New Weapon Against Fake News

PolitiFact, a nonprofit news organization, has launched an online almanac to identify "fake news" websites

Common Cause Suit Challenges North Carolina Legislature

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Common Cause Suit Challenges North Carolina Legislature

A lawsuit filed Wednesday by Common Cause North Carolina and 10 Carolinians asks a state court to nullify two bills passed at a special session of the state legislature last December because legislative leaders provided no advance public notice of their meeting.

Even Lawmakers Shut Out as Trump Team Clamps Down on Information

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Even Lawmakers Shut Out as Trump Team Clamps Down on Information

The new administration is killing one of the last vestiges of bipartisanship in Washington: a long tradition that formal inquiries posed to federal agencies by members of Congress, regardless of party, get a formal answer.

Common Cause NY Joins March for Trump Accountability

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Common Cause NY Joins March for Trump Accountability

With "Hold Power Accountable" on one side and "People. Action. Democracy." on the other side of blue signs, our fierce band of Common Causers stuck together in Bryant Park for the Tax March on Saturday, April 15th.

Éviter le piège de l’article V

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Éviter le piège de l’article V

Les juristes, républicains, démocrates et indépendants, conviennent qu'il n'existe aucun moyen de limiter une convention de l'article V

Trump Repopulating ‘the Swamp’

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Trump Repopulating ‘the Swamp’

A new report by The New York Times and ProPublica details how the Trump administration is stocking federal agencies “with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants."

White House Clams Up

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White House Clams Up

The Trump administration has a new message for Americans curious about who is visiting, and presumably trying to influence the president and his staff: Move along. Nothing to see here.

Gerrymander Gazette | April 2017

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Gerrymander Gazette | April 2017

The Gerrymander Gazette is a monthly newsletter that gives you the latest updates on the fight for fair representation happening in courtrooms, state legislatures, and localities across the United States.

Turning the White House Into a Profit Center

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Turning the White House Into a Profit Center

A report today suggests key members of President Trump’s family are more concerned with using their father’s new position to increase the family fortune than with serving the American public.



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