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Trump Return Shows How He Exploited Loopholes

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Trump Return Shows How He Exploited Loopholes

A snapshot of President Trump’s tax history – albeit a tiny one – is finally in the public arena this morning and it turns out that he actually has paid taxes, or at least that he paid them in 2005.

Committee Gives Trump More Time

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Committee Gives Trump More Time

The Trump administration has secured a one week stay on compliance with a demand from congressional investigators that it supply evidence to back up the president’s tweeted allegation that former President Barack Obama ordered wiretaps of Trump campaign telephones last year.

Trump’s Bizarre Wiretap Claims Getting More Bizarre

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Trump’s Bizarre Wiretap Claims Getting More Bizarre

President Trump’s so-far-unsupported claim that former President Barack Obama had wiretaps installed on his phones in Trump Tower, is getting even more bizarre.

Was Sacked Prosecutor on Trump’s Trail?

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Was Sacked Prosecutor on Trump’s Trail?

Did President Trump fire Preet Bharara, the federal prosecutor with jurisdiction over the President’s Manhattan residence, to head off a potential corruption investigation? Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings believes it’s possible.

Trump Team Hires Denizens of “the Swamp”

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Trump Team Hires Denizens of “the Swamp”

President Trump was elected largely on his memorable promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington. He never mentioned his plan to provide federal jobs to its former inhabitants.

Who Is Selling Us Short?

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Who Is Selling Us Short?

$2.7 million per day. $3.7 million per Member of Congress. That's what the people must fight to win back our democracy.

Poll: Most Americans Want Special Prosecutor to Probe Trump-Russia Ties

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Poll: Most Americans Want Special Prosecutor to Probe Trump-Russia Ties

It’s not getting much attention in the flood of news stories about the House Republicans’ health care proposal, but a poll out today offers new evidence that Americans are mightily concerned about Russia’s hacking into our elections and possible ties between that effort and the Trump administration.

A Chuckle to Start Your Weekend

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A Chuckle to Start Your Weekend

As President, George W. Bush was the butt of countless jokes. As a private citizen, he’s showing off an ability to laugh at himself – and setting something of an example for President Trump.

What’s Next for Sessions?

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What’s Next for Sessions?

Jeff Sessions says he’s through with any involvement in Justice Department investigations of possible ties between the Trump for President Campaign and the Russian government’s attempts to influence last year’s election. But the investigation may not be through with Sessions.

Sessions Relents, Announces Recusal in Russia Investigation

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Sessions Relents, Announces Recusal in Russia Investigation

His support among fellow Republicans eroding, Attorney General Jeff Sessions bowed Thursday afternoon to demands that he recuse himself from Justice Department investigations related to the 2016 presidential campaign and Russia’s attempts to influence the outcome.

Sessions’ Lies Trigger Calls for His Resignation

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Sessions’ Lies Trigger Calls for His Resignation

The walls are closing in on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Wednesday night’s news that Sessions met twice last year with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., but didn’t mention it when senators asked him about contacts between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, has Democrats and non-partisan groups – including Common Cause – demanding Sessions’ resignation.

Idaho Rejects the ‘Dangerous Path’

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Idaho Rejects the ‘Dangerous Path’

As right-wing special interests get closer to forcing the convening of a new constitutional convention, legislators in Idaho decided Wednesday to protect voters’ constitutional rights and reject the dangerous idea.



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