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Ravel Departing FEC With a Challenge to the President

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Ravel Departing FEC With a Challenge to the President

Through nearly four years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, Ann Ravel fought the good fight to rein in the power of big money in politics; she departs with a challenge to President Trump to overhaul the agency by staffing it with commissioners who are serious about enforcing campaign finance laws.

‘We Will Not Be Ignored’

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‘We Will Not Be Ignored’

By now, the town hall meeting in Salt Lake City with Rep. Jason Chaffetz on February 9 is old news. However, having been there, I find that I keep revisiting my impressions.

Le jour du Président signifie que les législateurs doivent se réunir en mairie

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Le jour du Président signifie que les législateurs doivent se réunir en mairie

Les représentants et les sénateurs seront de retour dans leurs districts et leurs États la semaine prochaine, alors que le Congrès sera en vacances pour le President's Day ; leur pause est votre opportunité de leur parler directement des questions importantes auxquelles notre démocratie est confrontée.

Watchdogs Win Suit Seeking Records on EPA Nominee’s Energy Industry Ties

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Watchdogs Win Suit Seeking Records on EPA Nominee’s Energy Industry Ties

An Oklahoma judge today gave Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, until Tuesday to turn over up to 3,000 state records that document Pruitt’s contacts with energy companies and trade groups.

Ethics Watchdog Wants Conway Disciplined

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Ethics Watchdog Wants Conway Disciplined

The Office of Government Ethics, the internal watchdog for the federal bureaucracy, is calling for disciplinary action against presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway after she violated ethical rules for government employees by going on national TV to hawk fashions for President Trump’s daughter Ivanka.

Pressure Builds for Independent Probe of Trump Team Ties to Russia

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Pressure Builds for Independent Probe of Trump Team Ties to Russia

An energized press and an increasingly restive Congress are ramping up challenges to the Trump administration as evidence mounts of troubling connections between the fledgling presidency and the Russian government.

Puzder Confirmation In Doubt?

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Puzder Confirmation In Doubt?

Andrew Puzder, who has admitted to hiring undocumented immigrants and opposes paid sick leave policies and overtime pay rules -- among other labor law standards and reforms -- is poised to be our next Labor Secretary.

Book Review: Ratf**ked, The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy, By David Daley

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Book Review: Ratf**ked, The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy, By David Daley

Ratf**ked reveals a broken American election system. It is one that is far from the ideal of a well-functioning democracy in which leaders promote policies they assert will broadly and wisely benefit our entire citizenry with the goal of persuading as many citizens as possible to vote for them.

Trump Still Pushing Phony Voter Fraud Claims

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Trump Still Pushing Phony Voter Fraud Claims

Trump senior adviser Stephen Miller doubled down Sunday on the President’s false claim last week that busloads of people crossed from Massachusetts into New Hampshire on Election Day to keep Trump from carrying the Granite State and defeat incumbent Sen. Kelly Ayotte.

It’s Time for Hearings on Trump Administration Ethics

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It’s Time for Hearings on Trump Administration Ethics

Conflicts of interest, violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, and ethics violations by President Trump, his staff and his family demand a thorough examination and hearings by congressional investigators, Common Cause said today.

Scott Pruitt’s Legal Conflicts of Interest Threaten the EPA

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Scott Pruitt’s Legal Conflicts of Interest Threaten the EPA

Do President Trump and his Republican allies in the Senate really want to entrust the responsibility for protecting our environment to a man who has been in the forefront of legal efforts to block or overturn federal rules enforcing clean air and clean water laws? Hard to believe, but it sure looks that way.



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