David Vance

Stratège national des médias


Rencontrez David…

David Vance est le stratège national des médias de Common Cause. Il travaille avec le personnel au niveau national et au niveau des États pour générer des médias qui amplifieront la voix et feront avancer stratégiquement le programme de réforme démocratique de l'organisation nationale et de ses 35 bureaux d'État.

Avant de rejoindre Common Cause en 2016, David a passé une décennie en tant que directeur des communications et de la recherche au Campaign Legal Center, travaillant sur les questions de financement des campagnes, de droits de vote et d'éthique gouvernementale. Au cours de son mandat, la notoriété médiatique de l'organisation a connu une croissance exponentielle et en 2014, elle a reçu un prix MacArthur pour les institutions créatives et efficaces.

David possède une vaste expérience en relations publiques et en journalisme. Il a été directeur des affaires publiques d'une association commerciale internationale et a travaillé pour deux agences de relations publiques à Washington, DC, où il s'est occupé des affaires publiques, des relations publiques et des questions de crise à l'échelle nationale et internationale pour un large éventail de clients d'entreprises, d'associations et d'organismes à but non lucratif.

Avant d'entrer dans le domaine des relations publiques, David a travaillé pour plusieurs bureaux de presse à Washington, DC, WCAX-TV à Burlington, Vermont ainsi que pour le Washington Post.

David est originaire de Washington, DC et est titulaire d'un MSJ de la Medill School of Journalism de l'Université Northwestern et d'un MFA en écriture créative de l'Université George Mason.

Les dernières nouvelles de David Vance

Supreme Court Orders Lower Court to Reexamine Use of Race in Virginia Redistricting

Communiqué de presse

Supreme Court Orders Lower Court to Reexamine Use of Race in Virginia Redistricting

The Supreme Court today, in Bethune-Hill v Virginia State Board of Elections, remanded the case back to the federal district court to determine whether legislators, in drawing lines for 11 districts shortly after the 2010 Census, used race as a factor to dilute the voting power of Black voters in violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

House Judiciary Republicans Vote to Withhold Information on DOJ Investigation of Russian Election Interference & Trump Conflicts

Communiqué de presse

House Judiciary Republicans Vote to Withhold Information on DOJ Investigation of Russian Election Interference & Trump Conflicts

Americans expect and deserve free and fair elections. History will not look kindly on efforts to hide the details of massive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Sadly, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, on a party line vote, chose to do just that silencing efforts by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) to direct the Justice Department to provide the House of Representatives with the information uncovered through the investigation of Russian election interference, communications between the Trump campaign and Russian...

Groups Inform AG Sessions that Federal Regulations Require His Recusal from Investigation of Russia’s Intervention in the 2016 Presidential Election

Communiqué de presse

Groups Inform AG Sessions that Federal Regulations Require His Recusal from Investigation of Russia’s Intervention in the 2016 Presidential Election

In a letter sent today to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 25 organizations and individuals, including those with legal and ethics expertise, called on the Attorney General to promptly recuse himself from all Department of Justice investigations and actions regarding Russia's intervention in the 2016 election

Common Cause Urges Rep. Chaffetz to Investigate Rampant Conflicts of Interest & Ethics Violations in Trump White House

Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Urges Rep. Chaffetz to Investigate Rampant Conflicts of Interest & Ethics Violations in Trump White House

Common Cause is urging House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to investigate rampant conflicts of interest, apparent violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause, and ethics violations by President Trump, his staff, and his family. The letter encourages Rep. Chaffetz to hold a series of hearings to investigate and ensure that President Trump is in compliance with the law and putting the interests of the American people before his own personal financial interests.



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