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Common Cause Georgia 2020 Priorities

January marked the beginning of Georgia’s state legislative session — and we’re excited to get to work for a fairer, more representative, and more accountable democracy in our state.

Here’s our top priorities for this year:

After the shameful voter suppression we saw in the 2018 election, we’re ready to mobilize our Election Protection team to protect every voter’s right to be heard and make sure nobody loses their rights.

We’re also pushing legislative reforms to protect every Georgia voter’s access to the ballot — including re-enfranchisement for people who are restricted from voting due to a previous conviction.

Plus, we’re working on redistricting reform, to make sure our state’s legislative districts are drawn fairly, and to END gerrymandering for good, including prison-based gerrymandering that throws our democracy out of balance.

The next few weeks and months will offer major opportunities for democracy in our state — and we’ll be counting on your advocacy and support to make it happen.

We’ll be counting on you to keep spreading the word, showing up for events, and moving our work for a stronger democracy forward. I’m glad to know you’re on our side.

Take the first step right now by signing up for our first Lobby Day of 2020 — and help us push Georgia lawmakers to do right by our democracy. RSVP today >>



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