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Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Statement on Litigation against True the Vote for False Claims

True the Vote, a Texas-based group that has pursued widely-disproven election conspiracy theories, was sued this week by the Georgia State Election Board for failing to provide information to the state board.

ATLANTA — True the Vote, a Texas-based group that has pursued widely-disproven election conspiracy theories, was sued this week by the Georgia State Election Board for failing to provide information to the state board. 

The group failed to comply with subpoenas by the state board to provide information about unsubstantiated allegations that voters in the Atlanta area were paid to drop off multiple ballots in drop boxes during the 2020 presidential elections. The allegations were aired in the film “2000 Mules” that has been embraced by conservative election deniers. 

Statement from Aunna Dennis, Common Cause Georgia’s executive director

“I commend the State Election Board for taking this step,” Dennis said. “The people of Georgia deserve to see True the Vote’s false claims of election issues called out as the dangerous lies they are. We in Georgia need to know that our voting rights will always be respected and applaud the State Election Board for holding True the Vote accountable for their reckless and undemocratic actions.” 


Note: Common Cause Georgia filed a separate 2021 complaint against True the Vote with the Federal Election Commission for violating federal campaign finance laws by coordinating with the Georgia Republican Party in the 2021 Senate runoff election. That complaint was dismissed by the FEC for failing to gain enough votes to proceed despite recommendation from non-partisan staff to investigate the matter further. Common Cause, represented by the Campaign Legal Center, filed a subsequent federal lawsuit in October 2022 to compel the FEC to enforce existing campaign finance laws in this situation. 




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