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Voting & Elections 03.29.2024

“These election bills do nothing to help Georgia voters," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia. " Instead, they add unnecessary burdens on an already safe and secure voting process."

“This bill clearly chills the voices of Georgia voters who deserve an opportunity to choose their elected officials in their respective districts," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia.

HB 1312 could add an extra two years to the six-year terms of commissioners on the all-Republican body.


“This dangerous bill does nothing to help voters and election workers. It will wreak havoc on Georgia’s elections and must be stopped," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia.

"Georgia’s Department of Justice has already spoken against this ambiguous bill and the chilling effect it will have for Georgia prosecutors," said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 02.22.2024

“This election bill has harmful provisions that cater to conspiracy theories rather than helping voters and election workers," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia.

“This bill’s language is vague and has no clear roadmap of checks and balances within its purpose and is politically-motivated," said Aunna Dennis, Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia.

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