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Common Cause Georgia Strongly Criticizes the Athens-Clark County Redistricting Process and Proposed Maps

“We have long supported redistricting at every level of our government that is fair, transparent, and protects the needs of communities who have been historically sidelined by those in power. Unfortunately, what we are seeing in Athens-Clarke County violates every single one of these principles,” said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 01.11.2022

Competing Media Events Provide Opportunity to Contrast Positions on ‘Government By The People’

We hope that, during today’s press conference, the media will ask Governor Kemp and Attorney General Carr some pointed questions.

SPLC, Georgia Voters and Voting Rights Groups Challenge Georgia’s Racially-Gerrymandered Congressional Districts

Voting rights groups and Georgia voters filed a lawsuit in federal court today charging that the 6th, 13th, and 14th Congressional Districts of Georgia violate the Constitution and unlawfully diminish the voting power of voters of color.

Georgia State Legislature Approves Extremely Gerrymandered Congressional Maps

"When the redistricting process is led by the politicians, the maps will be drawn to benefit the politicians—and that’s exactly what state legislators have done today."

Common Cause Georgia Proposes Anti-Pay-to-Play Ordinance for Atlanta

The nonpartisan organization has drafted a proposed ordinance that would prohibit campaign donor relationships between municipal vendors and the elected officials who make contracting decisions. Companies that have made campaign contributions to relevant municipal officials would no longer be eligible to hold or bid on city contracts.

Voting & Elections 11.10.2021

Legislators Propose Wholesale Remake of Gwinnett County Government

Last-minute legislation would completely reconfigure Board of Commissioners and Board of Education for one of the country’s most-diverse counties.

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