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152 resultados

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Common Cause Supports Redistricting Reform Bill

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Common Cause Supports Redistricting Reform Bill

Sen. Elena Parent (D-Atlanta) unveiled SB 491, which provides transparency and accountability procedures for redistricting Georgia's General Assembly and congressional districts after the 2020 Census. Common Cause Georgia was one of several organizations that joined the press conference to support the measure.

Nonpartisan Voting Rights Groups Meet with Sec. Raffensperger to Discuss Election Preparedness

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Nonpartisan Voting Rights Groups Meet with Sec. Raffensperger to Discuss Election Preparedness

Today, The Coalition for the People’s Agenda, Common Cause Georgia, Georgia NAACP, Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials, League of Women Voters Georgia, and ProGeorgia met with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to discuss election security, issues in counties, and other voting-related problems around the state.

Common Cause Georgia Begins Census and Redistricting Tour

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Common Cause Georgia Begins Census and Redistricting Tour

This fall, Common Cause Georgia joins its partners in the Georgia Redistricting Alliance to tour across the state educating citizens on redistricting reform, Census rollout, and our new voting systems. “We know that there are a lot of questions around these issues and we hope our town halls can help answer some of those questions.”

Common Cause Lauds Court’s Decision in Historic Georgia Election Security Case

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Common Cause Lauds Court’s Decision in Historic Georgia Election Security Case

Today United States District Court Judge Amy Totenberg issued a preliminary injunction in Curling v. Raffensperger preventing the state of Georgia from continuing to use its insecure paperless voting machines in elections after 2019. The lawsuit challenged the state’s use of the Accuvote TS voting machine. The court found that the paperless voting systems which have been used for almost two decades in Georgia were too vulnerable to hacking and manipulation to ensure a fair election and their use should be discontinued. Additionally, the...

Georgia’s Governor Signs New Election Security Bill in Response to Voting Rights Groups’ Lawsuit

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Georgia’s Governor Signs New Election Security Bill in Response to Voting Rights Groups’ Lawsuit

Governor Brian Kemp today signed into law HB 392, which has a provision requiring Georgia’s secretary of state to take steps to shore up the security of the state’s voter registration database.  The move comes just weeks after Gov. Kemp signed HB 316, which included new protections for Georgia voters who are required to cast provisional ballots. These bills were passed in direct response to a lawsuit brought on behalf of Common Cause Georgia by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, along with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton,...

Common Cause Calls Out State’s Misleading Statement on Costs of Hand-Marked Paper Ballots vs Electronic Ballot Marking Devices

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Common Cause Calls Out State’s Misleading Statement on Costs of Hand-Marked Paper Ballots vs Electronic Ballot Marking Devices

In a misleading statement released yesterday, Georgia Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger claimed that the cost of deploying a voting system relying on hand-marked paper ballots and ballot marking devices for disability access would exceed the cost of deploying only electronic ballot marking devices for every voting station.  

Common Cause Georgia Urges Full Transparency in New Voting System Purchase

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Common Cause Georgia Urges Full Transparency in New Voting System Purchase

“The citizens of Georgia need to know that voting machine vendors have wooed local officials with expensive perks. Multimillion dollar decisions about which system to buy should be made with the interests of Georgia voters and taxpayers in mind. They should not be made based on which company spent the most lobbying state legislators and fostering close connections with decisionmakers.”

Common Cause Georgia presenta una queja contra la Comisión de Escuelas Charter del Estado de Georgia

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Common Cause Georgia presenta una queja contra la Comisión de Escuelas Charter del Estado de Georgia

Common Cause Georgia presentó hoy una denuncia ante el Inspector General del estado para que investigue los pagos y ofertas de pago recientemente revelados por parte de un proveedor estatal a empleados estatales, así como las violaciones de la ley de transparencia por parte del mismo proveedor estatal. También instamos al empleado estatal que aceptó estos pagos a que los devuelva de inmediato.

Reacción a la renuncia del Secretario de Estado de Georgia, Kemp

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Reacción a la renuncia del Secretario de Estado de Georgia, Kemp

El exsecretario de Estado de Georgia y candidato a gobernador, Brian Kemp, finalmente reconoció el conflicto de intereses inherente al permanecer en ese cargo mientras simultáneamente se postulaba para gobernador.

Common Cause GA celebra la orden de un juez federal de conceder un alivio de emergencia de la ley de “coincidencia exacta”

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Common Cause GA celebra la orden de un juez federal de conceder un alivio de emergencia de la ley de “coincidencia exacta”

La jueza Eleanor Louise Ross del Tribunal de Distrito de los EE. UU. para el Distrito Norte de Georgia ordenó hoy que los votantes de Georgia cuyas solicitudes de registro habían quedado pendientes bajo el programa “Exact Match” del estado ahora pueden ejercer su derecho a votar en las elecciones de mitad de período el 6 de noviembre.
El pedido completo está disponible aquí: https://bit.ly/2CXY3iQ



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