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Press Release

Governor Undermines GA Supreme Court, Threatens Prosecutors

ATLANTA – Today, the governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 332 into law, a bill that outlines the details of a prosecutorial oversight commission on the 2023 Senate Bill (SB) 92 that set up an unelected commission with the power to override active investigations.

This bill removes provisions related to the Supreme Court of Georgia’s approval of the Commission’s rules; the definition of mental or physical incapacity, and the provisions around appealing the decision of the Commission’s hearing panel to the court.

In response, Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia issued the following statement:

“By signing this bill into law, the Governor is sowing distrust in the ability of our elected public officials.

“This bill takes away the required oversight of the Supreme Court to approve the commission’s rules.

“The Supreme Court is the highest court in our state, which provides critical oversight over matters and positions in our state. 

“Prosecutors who defend our state constitution should be able to do so safely. How are prosecutors able to defend themselves from challenging corruption in our government without the proper protections? Diversity and inclusion standards and equal protection claims available to prosecutors have not been properly addressed and the oversight commission is a preemptive reaction to political decisiveness.

“Georgia’s Department of Justice has already spoken against this ambiguous bill and the chilling effect it will have for Georgia prosecutors. The voters of Georgia do not align with this bill and its lack of protections.

“Common Cause Georgia will uphold the core values of democracy by holding our elected officials accountable who chill the rights of prosecutors. We deserve a transparent, effective, and accountable government for all Georgians. ”




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