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Georgia Committees Begin Redistricting Process

Press Release

Georgia Committees Begin Redistricting Process

The 2021 redistricting process should work for all Georgians. We urge the Committees to change paths and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to make our voices heard during the upcoming months.

GA Legislature Quietly Schedules First Redistricting Hearing While Ignoring Calls for Transparency

Press Release

GA Legislature Quietly Schedules First Redistricting Hearing While Ignoring Calls for Transparency

Georgia voting rights and fair redistricting advocates responded to the Georgia Senate Reapportionment and Redistricting and House Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Committees (LCRO) quietly scheduling their first joint redistricting meeting to be held next Tuesday, June 15, at 5 p.m. 

Court Allows Examination of Fulton County Absentee Ballots to go Forward

Press Release

Court Allows Examination of Fulton County Absentee Ballots to go Forward

It’s a cynical strategy: create artificial “doubt” about our election processes, and then use that doubt to make voting harder for the voters you don’t think will vote for you.

Census Bureau Releases Apportionment Data

Press Release

Census Bureau Releases Apportionment Data

Even though our number of congressional districts remains the same, we know that Georgia has undergone significant population shifts in the past decade. Based on voter registration and turnout data, we know that communities of color represent an increasing share of Georgia’s population. These growing communities deserve to have fair representation, in Congress and in both chambers of the Georgia General Assembly. 

Jury Convicts George Floyd’s Killer on All Counts

Press Release

Jury Convicts George Floyd’s Killer on All Counts

No verdict can make this situation better, for his family and friends. But at least this verdict held George Floyd’s killer accountable. It is a signal call that no one is above the law. It is about time that we saw some justice, as a community. Today, we saw some justice. 

Following Passage of SB 202, Grassroots Groups call for Greater Transparency by General Assembly

Press Release

Following Passage of SB 202, Grassroots Groups call for Greater Transparency by General Assembly

Sixteen grassroots groups have called for amending Georgia’s Open Meeting Act so that it covers meetings of the General Assembly and its committees and subcommittees. “Georgians have the right to witness the open conduct of their business by the General Assembly.”

True the Vote and Georgia Republican Party Violated Campaign Finance Laws by Illegally Coordinating Ahead of January Senate Runoff Elections

Press Release

True the Vote and Georgia Republican Party Violated Campaign Finance Laws by Illegally Coordinating Ahead of January Senate Runoff Elections

Today, Campaign Legal Center Action and Common Cause Georgia filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that during the lead up to the Georgia Senate runoff elections, the Georgia Republican Party illegally coordinated with True the Vote.

Federal Lawsuit Says Georgia’s SB202 is a Culmination of Concerted Efforts to Suppress the Participation of Black Voters and Other Voters of Color

Press Release

Federal Lawsuit Says Georgia’s SB202 is a Culmination of Concerted Efforts to Suppress the Participation of Black Voters and Other Voters of Color

The Republican-led Georgia State Legislature passed the anti-democratic SB202 to suppress and obstruct statewide voter turnout and further impede the possibility of increased voting from African-Americans and other communities of color, a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia said.

Anti-Voter ‘Omnibus’ Heads to Governor’s Desk

Press Release

Anti-Voter ‘Omnibus’ Heads to Governor’s Desk

Today, in a matter of just hours, both the House and Senate approved a substitute version of SB 202, an anti-voter ‘omnibus’ that allows the highly-partisan state Legislature to appoint a quorum of the State Election Board, and allows state takeover of county elections offices. Governor Brian Kemp is expected to sign the bill at 6:30pm today.

House Passes Another Anti-Voter Bill

Press Release

House Passes Another Anti-Voter Bill

There’s nothing more fundamental to our government than our ability to cast our ballots and have our voices heard. Georgians’ right to vote should be protected -- not subjected to partisan whims. We urge the Senate to turn down this effort to impose partisan control on our state’s elections.

Common Cause Georgia Opposes Newest “Omnibus” Voting Bill

Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Opposes Newest “Omnibus” Voting Bill

Common Cause Georgia opposes the bill because it “burdens access to the ballot for valid Georgia voters, disproportionately voters of color and low income voters, and it strips local election authorities of tools they need to effectively administer elections,” according to Common Cause Georgia Executive Director Aunna Dennis.

Common Cause Georgia Opposes Bill to Create Unlimited Political “Slush Funds”

Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Opposes Bill to Create Unlimited Political “Slush Funds”

SB 221 would create a huge loophole in Georgia’s current campaign finance limits, by allowing unlimited donations to a new type of political committee -- controlled by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and legislative leadership. It would allow big corporations and out-of-state big money donors to buy our elections.



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