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Press Release

New Georgia Voting Maps Fail to Represent Black Voices

“The new maps—drawn unfairly and without transparency failed to fairly represent Black voters, as ordered by the court,” said Aunna Dennis, Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia

ATLANTA — In a special session, the Georgia General Assembly passed new congressional and state legislative voting maps after a federal judge ordered new districts. The new maps fail to address the requirements outlined by the court, which required the creation of additional Black-majority districts to the state House, Senate, and Congressional maps. 

Statement of Aunna Dennis, Common Cause Georgia Executive Director

“The new maps—drawn unfairly and without transparency failed to fairly represent Black voters, as ordered by the court.Throughout this session, state legislators shuffled our communities to weaken our voices. Every voter in Georgia deserves to have fair representation in the state legislature and Congress and that is why we urge Governor Kemp to send the legislature back to the drawing board to design fair maps.”




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