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Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Statement on U.S Senate Run-Off Election

Georgia voters will head to the polls again on Dec. 6, after an election cycle that saw a record number of Georgia’s registered voters exercise their rights to vote in a midterm election.

Georgia voters will head to the polls again on Dec. 6, after an election cycle that saw a record number of Georgia’s registered voters exercise their rights to vote in a midterm election.

 A run-off election for the U.S. Senate race between incumbent Raphael Warnock (D) and challenger Herschel Walker (R) scheduled for Dec. 6, as is required when no candidates capture more than half the votes.

Preliminary results show Warnock with 49.4% of votes cast, and Walker with 48.5%, as of Thursday. A Libertarian candidate, Chase Oliver, received 2.1% of the votes.

Georgia is one of two states that require run-offs in those scenarios between the top two vote-getters. In most other states, the person to garner the most votes is declared the winner.



Statement from Aunna Dennis, Common Cause Georgia’s Executive Director


We knew going into this that Election Day was unlikely to be results day for Georgia.

 Now, with a run-off election scheduled for Dec. 6, Georgians will get to have their voices heard once again as we head back to the polls as we, the people, decide who will represent us and our communities in Washington.

 Georgians have been here before, and I have no doubt that we will show up again in record numbers for this important run-off election to ensure our state and country is headed in the direction that we want.

We need Georgians to answer this sacred call of our democracy again, so plan now of how you will cast a ballot in this next election.

You’ve got options — you can vote by mail by requesting an absentee ballot or by making a plan to vote in-person on Dec. 6 or during the soon-to-start early voting period.   

We and our coalition of nonpartisan partners will be out there to ensure that every eligible voter can take part in this important election. Call or text us at 1-866-OUR-VOTE if you have questions about the voting process or face any issues.



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