जॉर्जिया आंदोलन में शामिल हों हमारी स्वयंसेवी टीम में शामिल हों


प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

जॉर्जिया में "धन्यवाद चुनाव नायकों दिवस" मनाया गया

हमारी 'लोगों द्वारा सरकार' स्थानीय चुनाव कार्यकर्ताओं पर निर्भर करती है। 2020 में, 27,000 से अधिक जॉर्जियाई लोगों ने यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए काम किया कि हमारे चुनाव यथासंभव सुचारू रूप से चले - और इस सप्ताह, जॉर्जिया भर में कॉमन कॉज के सदस्यों ने "धन्यवाद!" कहा।  

Our ‘government by the people’ relies on local elections workers. In 2020, more than 27,000 Georgians worked to ensure that our elections ran as smoothly as possible – and this week, Common Cause members across Georgia said “Thank You!”  

“Thank Election Heroes Day” was an effort by grassroots organizations across the country to show appreciation and support for our nation’s 775,000+ elections workers

“Our ‘election heroes’ work all year round,” said कॉमन कॉज जॉर्जिया की कार्यकारी निदेशक औना डेनिस. “So in our view, this is more than a one-day-a-year event. We appreciate elections workers प्रत्येक day, and are committed to celebrating the continuous service they provide.”

Personalized cards sent by Common Cause Georgia members were delivered to six elections offices this week. Comments on the cards included: 

  • “I  have been impressed year after year by how seriously election workers take their  jobs, and how conscientiously you try to see to it that every single eligible vote gets counted.  Thank you!  You are truly blessings for democracy!” 
  • “I appreciate that you are willing to work for the citizens of your local area and hope that you will continue to do so.” 
  • “Your work and your belief in doing the right thing day in and day out is what makes the difference! Thank you for the work you do to protect our democracy.” 
  • “I’m so proud we have election workers like you who put in the hours and the effort to make Georgia’s elections run smoothly. From 1980 to 1990 I worked in elections and I understand and appreciate the important work you’re doing — and want to personally thank you for all you do for our democracy. You are heroes!”

Read more card comments यहाँ.

“The elections process is how we have chosen to govern ourselves as Americans, this process is the backbone of our government. It must work for all Americans to have a voice in how they are governed,” said Milton Kidd, Director of Elections and Registration for Douglas County, when cards were delivered to his office. “We thank anyone that sees the hard work and dedication of individuals that believe in the American system of governance, and know that it takes the work of many unnamed people to make this process a successful one.”

“The opportunity to celebrate election workers proved to be a rewarding experience. I had a chance to meet the people who play such an intricate role in preserving our democratic process,” said Common Cause Georgia Senior Engagement Organizer Agnes Gray. “The event served as a reminder to the elections offices that what they do does not go unnoticed; the timing could not have been better as they are actively preparing to kick off the primary season. Taking part in ‘Thank Elections Heroes Day’ was just a small way for Common Cause Georgia to show our appreciation for those who significantly impact our efforts as we continue to advocate for voting rights throughout Georgia.”

“‘We should all recognize the essential services performed by the people who administer our elections,” Dennis said. “Our ‘government by the people’ relies on our elections workers – people from our local communities who willingly take on the work needed to ensure we can all exercise our freedom to vote. This week was a chance to show our appreciation on a special day – but elections officials serve all year, and they should be appreciated all year round.”  

For some offices, the “thank you” delivery included food.

Courtesy photos are available यहाँ

बंद करना

बंद करना

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