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Common Cause Georgia Urges Secretary of State Kemp to Resign

Common Cause Georgia urges Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp to resign his office as he campaigns for the office of governor.

Common Cause Georgia urges Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp to resign his office as he campaigns for the office of governor.

“Georgia’s citizens deserve to have a Secretary of State who is working full-time in that capacity and not running a campaign for governor nearly full-time,” said Sara Henderson, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

“Brian Kemp ran a primary campaign stating he was ethical. We implore him to do the right thing and step down from office. By remaining Secretary of State throughout the November election, we not only have a gubernatorial candidate who might certify his own election, but also a candidate who refuses to do the right thing, vacate his post as Secretary of State, as his predecessor did,” added Henderson.

While the Constitution allows Kemp to remain as Secretary of State during his own election, his refusal to step down is worrisome, as it is a direct conflict of interest and unprecedented in the state. Many former Secretaries of State have run for governor and all have vacated their offices prior to the general elections of their gubernatorial campaigns. “Fulfilling the duties of the Secretary of State is a full-time job,” Henderson said.

“Business licensing alone warrants that our state has an official who is taking care of business full-time, not focusing on turning out voters for their own gubernatorial election.”


Common Cause Georgia는 비영리, 비당파적 옹호 단체로, 민주주의에서 대중의 참여를 강화하고 공무원과 공공 기관이 시민에게 책임감을 갖고 대응할 수 있도록 노력합니다. 연합 구축, 로비 및 소송, 풀뿌리 조직, 정책 개발, 연구 및 공교육의 강력한 조합을 통해 모든 조지아인에게 영향을 미치는 지역, 주 및 국가적 문제에 주목합니다.



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