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특별 하원 위원회, 대중이 본 적 없는 "옴니버스" 투표 법안에 대한 청문회 개최

조지아 의회가 "국민의 일"에서 대중을 제외하는 관행은 오늘 새로운 최저치에 도달했습니다. 오후 3시, 하원 선거 무결성 특별 위원회는 공화당 의원들이 제출한 선거에 대한 48페이지 분량의 "포괄적" 법안인 HB 531에 대한 청문회를 시작했습니다. 이 법안은 불과 2시간 전에 제출되었습니다.

Common Cause의 성명서 전무이사 Aunna Dennis

The Georgia Legislature’s practice of leaving the public out of “the people’s business” reached a new low today.

At 3pm, the House Special Committee on Election Integrity started a hearing on HB 531, a 48-page “omnibus” bill on elections filed by Republican lawmakers – which was filed only two hours ago.

No information about the bill is available on the General Assembly website.

The bill is full of attacks on our voting system – every bit of it, from county oversight to availability of absentee ballots.

This is the same voting system that a Republican-led Legislature and a Republican Governor established 15 years ago. The voting system that produced results in November that were upheld by multiple audits, multiple recounts and dozens of court cases.

Now our Republican legislators want to slash away at their own system, without any public input.

This bill is Jim Crow with a suit and tie.

Georgia’s voters deserve better than to be shut out of legislators’ discussions – particularly when those discussions involve new barriers to voting.

Voting is the foundation of American democracy. By aiming at our ability to cast ballots, Georgia’s legislators are striking at the very core of our government.

These legislators may be acting on behalf of their party interests or their political donors. They are certainly not acting on behalf of the people of Georgia.


Read yesterday’s release, 상원 소위원회, '어둠 속에서' 반투표 법안 검토  여기.

Read Tuesday’s release, 반유권자 법안은 '입법 과정을 압도하고 있다' 여기.



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