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Media Contact: Jennifer Garcia, jgarcia@commoncause.org, 321-460-3257

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Voting & Elections 03.15.2022

Georgia House to Consider Another Bill Changing Elections Procedures

In the wake of last year’s SB 202, Georgia’s Legislature is considering another “omnibus” bill that could substantially change the state’s elections procedures.

Money & Influence 03.11.2022

Common Cause Georgia calls on Senate to Pass Campaign Finance Bill before Crossover Day

With a March 15 deadline for action, Common Cause Georgia is calling on the Senate to quickly approve a bill to prohibit legislatively-affiliated political committees from raising money during a legislative session.

Voting & Elections 02.24.2022

Georgia House Subcommittee Quietly Considers Elections Legislation

Tuesday, without much public notice, the Redistricting & Elections Subcommittee of the House Committee on Governmental Affairs held a hearing on elections-related legislation.

Georgia Grassroots Organizations Call for Improved Public Access to Legislative Process

“Georgians shouldn’t have to hire a lobbyist to be able to participate in our government.”

Common Cause Georgia Strongly Criticizes the Athens-Clark County Redistricting Process and Proposed Maps

“We have long supported redistricting at every level of our government that is fair, transparent, and protects the needs of communities who have been historically sidelined by those in power. Unfortunately, what we are seeing in Athens-Clarke County violates every single one of these principles,” said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 01.11.2022

Competing Media Events Provide Opportunity to Contrast Positions on ‘Government By The People’

We hope that, during today’s press conference, the media will ask Governor Kemp and Attorney General Carr some pointed questions.

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