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Voting & Elections 09.16.2020

GA Secretary of State Clarifies Returning Citizens’ Voting Eligibility

Georgia’s Secretary of State has added language to his website, clarifying that “outstanding monetary obligations other than fines, such as unpaid restitution, fees, costs, or surcharges” are not a barrier to voting, for people who have been convicted of a felony.

Voting & Elections 09.8.2020

Common Cause Georgia Responds to Secretary Raffensperger’s Irresponsible Announcement

"Voters deserve to be able to have confidence in our elections systems. Even in the middle of a pandemic – perhaps especially in the middle of a pandemic – voters should be able to rely on the systems that select our elected officials."

Clarkston, GA Votes to Join Lawsuit Challenging President Trump’s Order on Census Count

“Here in Clarkston we have people who come from diverse backgrounds and we already have enough challenges in getting everyone counted including language barriers – and we don't want another unconstitutional hindrance from counting every single resident of our City,” Clarkston Councilman Awet Eyasu said.

Voting & Elections 08.6.2020

Voting Rights Act Turns 55

Today’s anniversary comes during a time when our nation is, once again, grappling with its long history of treating people differently based on the color of their skin.

Voting & Elections 06.24.2020

Committee Urged to Reject Amendment, Pass SB 463

This amendment to SB 463 would be a step backward. It would eliminate an option that Georgia’ elections officials will likely need in the fall elections. Voters should not ever be forced to choose between their health and exercising their right to vote. In pandemic conditions, sending absentee ballot applications to voters is one of the best ways to ensure their ability to vote safely.

Voting & Elections 06.9.2020

Statement by Aunna Dennis, Executive Director, Common Cause Georgia

The obstacles that Georgia’s voters have faced in this election are simply unacceptable. It’s also unacceptable that the officials entrusted with administering the elections have spent the day dodging blame, rather than accepting responsibility. Georgia’s voters deserve better.

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