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“Common Cause Georgia has championed the Open Meetings Act, and this illegal meeting is a violation of the act," said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 06.4.2024

Cherokee County Commissioners Compromise Bipartisanship; Pro-democracy Groups Send Letters to Board of Commissioners

“The Board of Elections has a responsibility to act within the best interest of its constituents. This attempt to vote out a democratic member goes against that," said Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia.

Voting & Elections 05.22.2024

If implemented, these proposed rules could unnecessarily delay certification and threaten our free and fair democracy.


SB 63 is drawing from the national playbook to stifle public will and demonstrates a dangerous precedent to further criminalize those who are unable to afford a cash bond.


These unrealistic burdens will leave election workers scrambling to implement the new changes with barely enough time before the November election. 

Voting & Elections 03.29.2024

“These election bills do nothing to help Georgia voters," said Anne-Gray Herring, policy analyst of Common Cause Georgia. " Instead, they add unnecessary burdens on an already safe and secure voting process."

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