BREAKING: Elections Board Schedules Secret Meeting that Violates Georgia Law

    Media Contact
  • Jennifer Garcia

ATLANTA— Last night, three members of the State Election Board (SEB) called a meeting at 4 p.m. ET today excluding some members. The three members who planned the meeting had no notice posted in any official forum or on the SEB website. 

Georgia Open Meetings law requires a minimum of seven days notice for any public meeting in which rulemaking is discussed. 

In a statement regarding the secret SEB meeting, Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia issued the following statement: 

Common Cause Georgia has championed the Open Meetings Act, and this illegal meeting is a violation of the act.

“Georgia voters should pay attention to the process of how the SEB are voting on provisions and rules. The chairman introduced a provision to create stop gaps on the type of information that could be gathered to delay the certification process and the board struck down the amendment. And now, they are holding secret meetings to push their political agenda. The public and voters should demand transparency and accountability of the SEB.

“As a result of yesterday’s meeting, the rule’s proposal was unnecessary and the adoption of it is a clear disregard for the concerns raised by organizations rooted in election transparency, and of the voters who have trusted the certification process thus far.

Unfortunately, our certification process will move even slower than it previously has. On top of that, with the ability of the public to issue mass voter challenges online, many communities that were already targets will bear the brunt of what the SEB has just permitted yesterday. 

“Georgia voters should ensure their documentation is up to date with the SOS office, as well as having copies of their information readily available.  It is also critical that Georgia voters remember this disregard shown by the SEB, who was appointed by their elected representatives, at the ballot box in 2026.”

