Cherokee County Commissioners Compromise Bipartisanship; Pro-democracy Groups Send Letters to Board of Commissioners

ATLANTA Tonight at 6pm ET, commissioners of the Cherokee County will vote to oust one of its only two democratic board members. In response, Common Cause Georgia and pro-voter partner orgs signed and sent two letters to the Board of Commissioners yesterday, advocating for members to protect the bipartisan makeup of the board.

Prior to the passage of local bills, HB 642 and HB 644, appointments to the Cherokee County Board of Elections were selected from names submitted by County Party Committees to the Board of Commissioners (BOC). HB 642 and HB 644 made it so the BOC can ignore the names submitted by the County Party Committees.

In response, Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia issued the following statement:

“The recomposition of election boards is becoming a tactical trend in targeted areas in Georgia.

“The Board of Elections has a responsibility to act within the best interest of its constituents. This attempt to vote out a democratic member goes against that.

“Georgians know bipartisanship on a body like the Board of Elections is fundamental for creating fair and transparent election procedures.

“Cherokee County has traditionally maintained a bipartisan board. The people of Georgia want reflective democracy, equal representation from both major political parties that reflect the communities they serve.

“This model ensures the protection of a diverse perspective and allows for all voices to have a seat at the table. Common Cause Georgia urges the Board of Commissioners to protect bipartisanship of the board and respect the will of Georgia voters.”

The agenda for tonight’s Board of Commissioners meeting can be found here. 

A copy of the C3 letter can be found here

A copy of the C4 letter can be found here.  
