
Press Release

Georgia Primary – Voting Hours Extended in at Least One Location

Polling place hours have been extended until 8pm at the Northway Church in Macon-Bibb County. This list will be updated if hours are extended at additional locations. 

Due to problems with voting machines this morning, polling place hours have been extended until 8pm at the Northway Church in Macon-Bibb County. (Northway Church, 5915 Zebulon Road, Macon, GA 31210)

Media outlets and reporters are strongly encouraged to immediately share this information in their news stories, broadcasts, and social media channels.

Voters who are in line to vote when the polls close should remain in line until they vote.

Other voting locations are expected to announce extended hours. A “live” list of extended polling hours is available at The list will be updated with additional extended-hours locations until all polls close this evening.