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Common Cause Georgia Applauds Atlanta City Council for Introducing Ethics and Accountability Legislation

"The City of Atlanta is paving the way for other cities across Georgia to take a deeper look at ethics and accountability within local government. Georgians want city leaders to make them a priority, not moneyed interests.”

Common Cause applauds the Atlanta City Council’s efforts to make ethics and accountability a priority, in an effort to restore confidence in local government.

On Wednesday, January 23, City Council President Felicia Moore authored and introduced new legislation, named “Public Confidence and Accountability Legislation,” which received eight co-sponsors. Moore previously authored companion legislation that establishes Independent Procurement Review Officers (IPROs), which was adopted by the city council last year. Moore stated that this bill’s objective is to ensure that the City of Atlanta, its employees and vendors conduct business honestly, lawfully and transparently. It would create a new Office of Independent Compliance to ensure accountability and enforcement. Moore added, “we can and should strengthen the City’s code, along with its practical application.”

“Common Cause Georgia is proud to be working with city council president Felicia Moore to help ensure that Atlanta taxpayers are protected from unethical practices. The City of Atlanta is paving the way for other cities across Georgia to take a deeper look at ethics and accountability within local government. Georgians want city leaders to make them a priority, not moneyed interests,” said Sara Henderson, Common Cause Georgia executive director. “This legislation would help inspire trust in our local representatives and provide resources for enforcement of ethics rules. This is the type of leadership we expect to see in City Hall,” Henderson added.



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