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Common Cause Georgia Begins Census and Redistricting Tour

This fall, Common Cause Georgia joins its partners in the Georgia Redistricting Alliance to tour across the state educating citizens on redistricting reform, Census rollout, and our new voting systems. “We know that there are a lot of questions around these issues and we hope our town halls can help answer some of those questions.”

This fall, Common Cause Georgia joins its partners in the Georgia Redistricting Alliance to tour across the state educating citizens on redistricting reform, Census rollout, and our new voting systems.

“Common Cause Georgia is thrilled to join our partners to once again bring our state legislature closer to the people it serves,” said Sara Henderson, Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia. “We know that there are a lot of questions around these issues and we hope our town halls can help answer some of those questions.”

The next Census count begins in the spring of 2020 and the economic effects of undercounting Georgians could impact many of the state’s most vulnerable communities.

“We want to ensure everyone is counted and that citizens are armed with the information they need to fully participate in the Census.”

Tour dates and locations are as follows:

9/5/19              Columbus Library – Columbus 6 pm

9/9/19             Sprout Springs Library 6 pm

9/12/19            1st African Baptist Church – Savannah 6:30 pm

9/26/19            Greater Grace Church – Albany 6 pm

9/28/19            Clarkston Community Center – Clarkston 6 pm

10/8/19            Tubman Museum – Macon 6 pm

10/26/19          Athens/Clarke Library – Athens 6 pm




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