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Money in Politics

Citizens United invited huge sums of dark money into our democracy. We're demanding reforms that put ordinary people ahead of billionaire campaign donors.

Americans know that money has too much influence in our political system. That is why we advocate for money in politics solutions that empower small-dollar donors to make an impact in campaigns, require disclosure of all campaign money raised and spent, remove the financial barriers stopping everyday people from running for office, and hold elected officials and wealthy special interests accountable to voters.

Even with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC, states and cities across the country are proving that we can improve our campaign finance system with laws that amplify the voices of everyday Americans.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


Atlanta Takes Steps to Curb Legacy of Corruption

Blog Post

Atlanta Takes Steps to Curb Legacy of Corruption

Ending a feud over funding between Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and the City Council, Atlanta will introduce a new office to tackle corruption and bolster transparency for the city.


Common Cause Georgia Sues FEC for Failing to Protect Georgia Voters, Uphold Campaign Finance Laws

Press Release

Common Cause Georgia Sues FEC for Failing to Protect Georgia Voters, Uphold Campaign Finance Laws

The lawsuit follows the dismissal of a 2021 administrative complaint, filed with the Federal Election Commission against True the Vote and the Georgia Republican Party, alleging the groups violated the law via illegal coordination during the 2021 U.S. Senate runoffs in Georgia. .

New Anti-Voter Bill May Slide Through Legislature on Sine Die

Press Release

New Anti-Voter Bill May Slide Through Legislature on Sine Die

When the Legislature takes up SB 89 on Monday, we hope that the Senate Ethics Committee’s reasoning will prevail over whatever special interests are driving these proposals.



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