



Today, Common Cause announced that Sandy Ma has been named Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii, a nonpartisan grassroots organization that works to ensure that people are informed and able to participate in their government, and that government serves the public interest. She begins her work June 3.

“We are excited to have Sandy join our Common Cause team and continue to lead the democracy reform movement in Hawaii,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “Advocating at the local level for democracy and voting reforms is absolutely critical in this highly charged political time we are in, and Sandy brings an extensive background and a deep commitment to working for a democracy that truly reflects and represents all of us.”

Ma has an extensive history working on advocacy, government, and litigation issues in Hawaii, starting her career at the ACLU, and most recently working with the Hawaii Office of Planning in the Coastal Zone Management Program. She has an undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University, and she received her law degree at the University of Maryland School of Law.

“I am excited to begin work as the executive director of Common Cause Hawaii,” Ma said. “Even though a progressive state, Hawaii still can do more to promote democratic values. Hawaii has one of the lowest voter turnouts in the Nation. I look forward to increasing public participation in government through increasing voter turnout, holding our elected officials accountable, and reducing money’s influence in politics.”

Common Cause Hawaii promotes policy and legislation that strengthens public participation in government, curbs the excessive influence of money in politics, ensures that the government serves the common good, promotes fair, honest, and modern elections, and fights for a vigorous, independent, and diverse media.

“Sandy Ma’s skills will be a real benefit to Common Cause Hawaii as we continue our efforts to affirm and sustain our form of representative self-government,” said Elton Johnson III, chair of the Common Cause Hawaii board of directors. “We’re looking forward to working with her.”





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