
Sandy Ma

Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii

Testimony of Common Cause Hawaii Commenting on Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct virtual board meetings, April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting

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Testimony of Common Cause Hawaii Commenting on Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct virtual board meetings, April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting

Common Cause Hawaii is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, grassroots organization dedicated to
upholding the core values of American democracy. Transparency in government is key to a
healthy and strong democracy. Common Cause Hawaii provides comments regarding the
transparency of the April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting of the Board of Education (Board)
and specifically Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct
virtual board meetings.

Letter: March 27, 2020 Council of the County of Maui Agenda

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Letter: March 27, 2020 Council of the County of Maui Agenda

Below is a letter from Sandy Ma, executive director of Common Cause Hawaii to the Maui County Council about ethics and transparency while emergency rules issued by Mayor Victorino to stay at home and
work from home until April 30, 2020, similar to the entire State of Hawaii.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser Column: Lawmakers should advance ethics bills

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Honolulu Star-Advertiser Column: Lawmakers should advance ethics bills

Whether true or not, Hawaii has a perceived ethics problem among government employees and elected officials. The most obvious are the former Honolulu Police Chief Louis Kealoha and his city deputy prosecutor, soon-to- be ex-wife Katherine Kealoha, who were both convicted in 2019 of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. The Kealoha corruption investigation embroiled the Honolulu Corporation Counsel Donna Leong and Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro, who have both been on paid leave since early 2019. Common Cause Hawaii strongly...

CivilBeat: Common Cause Hawaii’s OpEd calling for more voter service centers

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CivilBeat: Common Cause Hawaii’s OpEd calling for more voter service centers

Vote-by-mail is coming to Hawaii in 2020, due to a law passed by the 2019 Hawaii State Legislature. Hawaii’s registered voters will no longer be voting at traditional polling places, such as schools and community centers on primary and election days. Ballots will be automatically mailed to all registered voters starting with the 2020 elections. Common Cause Hawaii advocates for more Voter Service Centers to make this voting process go smoothly.



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