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Ariana Marmolejo

Regional Communications Strategist (West)

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Over the past few months Hawaii leaders have established curfews, called out the National Guard, set up checkpoints, ordered businesses to close, required the wearing of face masks, deployed drones to clear beaches and waived open records and meetings laws.

Also, advocates of open government and transparency were alarmed in mid-March when the governor suspended the state laws requiring agencies to meet in public and make government records public as part of the administration’s emergency COVID-19 response. In response to the...

Honolulu Star Advertiser – Honolulu Police Commission to hold second secret meeting

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Honolulu Star Advertiser – Honolulu Police Commission to hold second secret meeting

The governor’s emergency order says, however, that the boards shall reasonably allow for public participation consistent with social distancing practices, allowing written testimony to be submitted and livestreaming of meetings, as Common Cause Hawaii points out.

“Common Cause has always contended that the public should be able to comment and provide testimony in real time because our testimonies can change based on what is discussed at the meeting because we cannot anticipate in advance what’s discussed,” said Common...

Honolulu Star-Advertiser – Honolulu Salary Commission votes no to a 3% raise for officials

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Honolulu Star-Advertiser – Honolulu Salary Commission votes no to a 3% raise for officials

This controversial meeting was held on Thursday without oral testimony. In light of the economic crisis facing the city and the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with many furloughed or laid off, several elected officials and citizens objected to the nearly across-the-board 3% pay raises, with many of the listed officials already making well over $100,000.

Letter: April 23, 2020 Committee on Zoning, Planning and Housing Agenda

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Letter: April 23, 2020 Committee on Zoning, Planning and Housing Agenda

Not providing the public with the option to testify via remote access at the April 23, 2020 hearing is
illogical, especially when your Committee’s April 23, 2020 Agenda specifically provides that “[s]ome
committee members may be participating in the meeting by interactive conference technology from
remote locations.” More than illogical, the Committee is endangering the health and safety of the public by
having the public attend in-person your Committee hearing. The people should not have to decide between

Council advances bill to defer property tax for pandemic-stricken Hawaii businesses

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Council advances bill to defer property tax for pandemic-stricken Hawaii businesses

A bill that would allow coronavirus-impacted businesses to hold off paying their property taxes passed the Honolulu City Council’s first hurdle last week.

The bill was one of several measures adopted by Council members at its meeting Wednesday aimed at helping businesses and people negatively affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Common Cause Hawaii and several individuals raised objections that the Council does not allow for public testimony to be given remotely on these bills.

April 16, 2020 Salary Commission Agenda

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April 16, 2020 Salary Commission Agenda

Common Cause Hawaii is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core
values of American democracy. Transparency in government is key to a healthy and strong democracy. Common
Cause Hawaii provides the below comments regarding the April 16, 2020 Salary Commission Agenda.

Letter: Statewide Plan for Economic and Community Recovery and Resiliency

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Letter: Statewide Plan for Economic and Community Recovery and Resiliency

As the Hawaii Economic and Community Recovery & Resiliency Navigator, Common Cause Hawaii
respectfully asks you to keep transparency and accountability as tenets in planning for Hawaii’s revival.
Meetings of your special task force should be conducted according to Sunshine Law, and all
documents and records should be subject to Public Records Law.

Honolulu Civil Beat – Voting By Mail Could Not Come At A More Needed Time!

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Honolulu Civil Beat – Voting By Mail Could Not Come At A More Needed Time!

Voting in coronavirus times is perilous and likely to make in-person voting at the polls difficult.

Expanding access to voting and the voter base is something everyone can get behind. There is no better way to express one’s opinion and to exercise a vital right.

Please Click on the link to read the entire OpEd.

Letter to Councilmember Carol Fukunaga

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Letter to Councilmember Carol Fukunaga

Common Cause Hawaii is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, grassroots organization dedicated to upholding the core
values of American democracy. Transparency in government is key to a healthy and strong democracy. Common
Cause Hawaii provides the below comments regarding the April 15, 2020 City Council Public Hearing.

Letter: Governor David Ige’s Response to March 31, 2020 Letter

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Letter: Governor David Ige’s Response to March 31, 2020 Letter

Thank you for taking the time to write to me regarding transparency and democracy
during the COVID-19 crisis. Please know that many of your concerns were carefully
considered prior to the decision to temporarily suspend certain requirements of the
State’s Sunshine Law, part 1 of chapter 92, Hawai‘i Revised Statutes (HRS). While I
agree that transparency is of utmost importance, the ability of government to function at
all during a pandemic of the unprecedented sort we currently face is also critical and...

Testimony of Common Cause Hawaii Commenting on Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct virtual board meetings, April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting

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Testimony of Common Cause Hawaii Commenting on Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct virtual board meetings, April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting

Common Cause Hawaii is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, grassroots organization dedicated to
upholding the core values of American democracy. Transparency in government is key to a
healthy and strong democracy. Common Cause Hawaii provides comments regarding the
transparency of the April 2, 2020 General Business Meeting of the Board of Education (Board)
and specifically Agenda Item III, Board Action on temporary rules of operation to conduct
virtual board meetings.



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