
मतदान अधिकार समूहों ने वर्चुअल युवा कार्रवाई शिखर सम्मेलन की मेजबानी की

कॉमन कॉज इलिनोइस और शी वोट्स इलिनोइस एक वर्चुअल यूथ एक्शन समिट की सह-मेजबानी करेंगे

Common Cause Illinois and She Votes Illinois will co–host a virtual Youth Action Summit to encourage high school and college students to explore the many ways they can serve their community this election season – including by voting, serving as an election judge, and volunteering as a non-partisan poll monitor.  

Attendees will hear from speakers from Common Cause Illinois, League of Women Voters Chicago, the Chicago Board of Elections, and a Student Election Judge.

“Young people are looking for ways to get involved. This summit aims to educate and empower young people to make a difference and protect our fragile democracy. We encourage Illinois students and young adults to take advantage of these informative breakout sessions and opportunity to ask any important questions you may have about voting,” said Elizabeth Grossman, Executive Director of Common Cause Illinois 

“At She Votes Illinois, we believe that young people have an essential role to play in shaping our democracy. This summit is an incredible opportunity for high school and college students to become informed, take action, and ensure that their voices are heard in the 2024 elections. Our event offers students a unique opportunity to step beyond the classroom and truly engage in civic life,” said Maureen Keane, Co-founder, She Votes Illinois

WHAT: Election 2024: Youth Action Summitt
WHO: Illinois Students, She Votes Illinois, and Common Cause Illinois
WHEN: Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. CT
WHERE: Register at bit.ly/ILYAS24

राष्ट्रीय मतदाता पंजीकरण दिवस: अपना पंजीकरण जांचने का समय!


राष्ट्रीय मतदाता पंजीकरण दिवस: अपना पंजीकरण जांचने का समय!

कॉमन कॉज इलिनोइस सबसे बड़े गैर-पक्षपाती चुनाव संरक्षण कार्यक्रम का हिस्सा है, जो 866-OUR-VOTE हॉटलाइन और protectthevote.net वेबसाइट चलाता है

लोकतंत्र समर्थक समूहों ने संयुक्त चुनाव संरक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया


लोकतंत्र समर्थक समूहों ने संयुक्त चुनाव संरक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू किया

कॉमन कॉज इलिनोइस और शिकागो की महिला मतदाताओं की लीग चुनावी ईमानदारी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए संयुक्त प्रयास में स्वयंसेवी मतदान-निरीक्षकों और मॉनिटरों को प्रशिक्षित और तैनात करेंगे

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