प्रेस विज्ञप्ति

Common Cause Illinois Issues Statement After June 28 Primaries

Common Cause Illinois is a non-partisan, pro-democracy organization. The choice that candidates such as Miller and Bailey offer is not a choice between different views on policy, but rather a choice between democracy and authoritarian rule; a choice between certifiable elections or the ability of ideologue to overturn the will of the people.

Statement of Jay Young, Common Cause Illinois Executive Director 

This Tuesday, Illinois had its primary in anticipation of this year’s midterms. Among victories today include Rep. Mary Miller in the GOP primary for IL-15 and Darren Bailey in the GOP gubernatorial primary.

Both Miller and Bailey are Trump-endorsed candidates who have aided the former president in uplifting the Big Lie, the results of which ended with the Jan. 6 insurrection at our nation’s capital. 

Make no mistake: Jan. 6 was an insurrection, not legitimate political discourse. The beliefs of Rep. Miller and Rep. Bailey do not align with the values of Illinoisans who believe in the freedom to vote without the threat of violence or intimidation. It has long been documented that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election — including in the state of Illinois — and that 2020 had the most secure elections to date. While we do not engage in party politics or endorse or oppose candidates for public office. It is important that we denounce the Big Lie and those who perpetuate it, because it undermines the ability of all Illinoisans to have a say in their future.

After countless audits proving the contrary, the spreading of the Big Lie by Miller, Bailey and candidates like them underscore a known truth: democracy is under attack across America — Illinois included. We must take those threats seriously and be committed to protecting democracy. We agree with state Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield): “If you’re not stepping up and denouncing [the Big Lie and Jan. 6], no matter where you fall on the political spectrum, I don’t have a place for you, because you need to denounce this.” 

The upcoming midterm elections are an inflection point for voting rights, and we must be informed about which candidates truly believe in protecting those rights.


बंद करना

  • बंद करना

    नमस्ते! ऐसा लगता है कि आप {राज्य} से हमारे साथ जुड़ रहे हैं।

    क्या आप देखना चाहते हैं कि आपके राज्य में क्या हो रहा है?

    कॉमन कॉज {राज्य} पर जाएं