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The Fulcrum: Illinois Has Badly Fumbled AVR, and Now It’s Being Sued for Voting Rights Abuse

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The Fulcrum: Illinois Has Badly Fumbled AVR, and Now It’s Being Sued for Voting Rights Abuse

"Unfortunately, the promise of voter modernization and inclusivity has not only gone unfulfilled, it now appears that even basic voter registration services are mishandled in disregard of repeated calls for transparency and accountability by non-partisan organizations in the state," says the lawsuit, filed by the Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Chicago, Change Illinois, Chicago Votes Education Fund, Common Cause Illinois, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and the Illinois Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.

NBC 5 Chicago: Activists Sue Over Illinois’ Automatic Voter Registration

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NBC 5 Chicago: Activists Sue Over Illinois’ Automatic Voter Registration

“Unfortunately, the promise of voter modernization and inclusivity has not only gone unfulfilled, it now appears that even basic voter registration services are mishandled in disregard of repeated calls for transparency and accountability by non-partisan organizations in the state," according to the lawsuit.

Capitol Fax: Trump Confirms Blagojevich Commutation

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Capitol Fax: Trump Confirms Blagojevich Commutation

"While former Governor Rod Blagojevich will get to walk free, Illinois is still being held prisoner to the consequences of his long record of corruption, bribery, and abuse of power. President Trump’s commutation of Blagojevich’s sentence is the latest action by a lawless president to undermine ethics and accountability in our government."

State Journal-Register: Illinois Discloses Fresh Problems with Voter Registration

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State Journal-Register: Illinois Discloses Fresh Problems with Voter Registration

“Our coalition’s attempts to engage the Secretary of State’s office in a process of accountability and transparency have been stonewalled time and again,” Jay Young, Executive Director for Common Cause Illinois, said in a statement. ”’They’ve given us no way to verify the few claims they’ve made about fixing AVR.”

The DePaulia: Illinois Voter Registration Bill Sparks Controversy Over Implementation

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The DePaulia: Illinois Voter Registration Bill Sparks Controversy Over Implementation

Automatic voter registration seemed to be the only thing Illinois state Democrats and Republicans could agree on in 2017. The bill received not only bipartisan, but unanimous support by state senators, making Illinois the 10th state to sign in automatic voter registration in August 2017.

NPR Illinois: Illinois Census Office Works To Give Out Consistent Correct Information

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NPR Illinois: Illinois Census Office Works To Give Out Consistent Correct Information

As Illinois prepares for the 2020 census count, leaders of the state census office said they're focusing on getting correct information out to communities, in particular clearing up confusion about job qualifications for census enumerators, the use of online forms and the timeline for the decennial count.


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