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Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

INDIANAPOLIS, IN — As constituents evaluate the performance of their members of Congress, Common Cause released its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” a tracking resource with the positions of all members of Congress on campaign finance reform, ethics and transparency, and voting rights legislation. The fourth biennial scorecard is produced to help constituents hold their leaders in the 117th Congress accountable for passing common-sense legislation that preserves and strengthens our democracy. 

Indiana’s New Abortion Ban Showcases the Need for Redistricting Reform

“The Indiana Legislature’s recent decision to ban abortion has stripped away the fundamental rights of millions, taken our state backwards on reproductive freedom and shown why we must update our current redistricting system."


Tippecanoe County Election Administrator Violating Voter Registration Law; Voter Advocates File Complaint With Indiana Election Division

INDIANAPOLIS — Today, Common Cause Indiana and the League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette (LWVGL) filed an administrative complaint with the co-directors of the Indiana Election Division (IED) to notify them of ongoing violations of voter registration laws by the Tippecanoe County Board of Elections and Registration. The complaint asks the co-directors to address these ongoing violations by requiring Tippecanoe County election officials to comply with the Indiana voter registration statute.

Common Cause Indiana Issues Statement on Passage of New District Maps by Indianapolis City County Council

"We are disappointed but not surprised that the leadership of the City County Council needlessly rushed redistricting and voted on new districts without allowing enough time for public input."

Common Cause Indiana, Concerned Clergy and the NAACP Indianapolis Branch Call for More Public Outreach Before Council Vote on Redistricting; Denounce Rushed Process that Denies Communities a Fair Opportunity to Be Heard

Today, three organizations who have long worked to protect voting rights in Indianapolis called on the Indianapolis Marion County City County Council to delay a vote on new district maps until additional meetings are held in each township.

Citizens Redistricting Commission Releases Draft Map; Urges Rules Committee to Provide Additional Opportunities for Public Comment Before Voting on New Districts

Today, Common Cause Indiana released a draft map of new Indianapolis Marion County City County Council districts drawn by its multi-partisan Indianapolis Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) and urged the Council to provide additional opportunity for public comment before finalizing the new map.  The ICRC consists of nine Indianapolis voters:  three Republicans, three Democrats and three individuals who are neither Republican nor Democrat.  Last week, the ICRC spent Tuesday and Wednesday evening online with a mapping expert working to develop a draft map.  It was sent to members of the City Council’s Rules and Public Policy Committee today with the request that it be considered along with the redistricting proposal developed by an outside law firm at the behest of the Council majority. 

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